Painted Nails (Make Harry Beautiful)

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An - Again, I didn't write this @LOUISTTHESTYLE on twitter did. I hope you love this as much as I did 💕

When Harry hears the lady ask if she can do his nails, He feels his heart come to a complete stop.

The thing is, He isn't opposed to it, but that was supposed to be a secret - His secret. No one other than Gemma and his mom knew, and he thought it'd stay like that for atleast a couple more years until he was prepared to open up.

And so, It's only natural when he denies and denies, but everyone's a bit too insistent and Louis - His Louis - acts supportive as always.

Harry feels a bit suffocated to be honest.

"Do the whole nails for God's sake, Harry" He tells him - Doesn't understand why he's so defensive about something so silly.

It's not like he knows what's truly going on inside Harry's head - Or anything that's happened in his life related to that.

It's a bit of a blur as he trys his best to avoid it, But then Louis' standing right beside him, leaning over him, arms over his shoulders and hands holding his still.

It's not like Harry has much of a choice now - besides it might just be suspicious if he keeps denying it.

When she finishes, he bites his lip - tries to ignore the way his tummy turns and turns and the way he remembers the times when he could be home, the times when he could have Gemma paint his nails and no one could judge him because they wouldn't see .

He's nervous and he's sweating and he can't stop looking at his nails.

But then the host asks what their next album will be called, and Harry, even though his blood rushes loud in his ears, listens as Louis says "How about painted nails make Harry beautiful?".

And it could just be Louis being a supportive boyfriend, as he always is - but it could also mean he genuinely thinks that, and Harry's stomach warms at the thought .

I mean, he lives for Louis being supportive, but the second option makes his skin shiver.

He doesn't even think when he says "I feel so much prettier" and freezes as soon as he realizes he did.

But everyone else doesn't, and it's better then he thought it could've ever gone.

Still, he removed the polish as soon as the interview is over.

And the day does on.

The thing is, Harry's always enjoyed a bit of nail polish, a bit of blush, a bit of eyeliner and mascara and a bit of lipstick. He remembers when he was just a kid and Gemma asked if she could paint his nails. He denied claiming it's girly stuff (secretly hoping she would insist).

And she did.

It didn't take a third time for Harry to begin to feel comfortable with the beauty products, what with Gemma and his mom always being supportive with whatever he decided to do.

A week later, he was the one asking gemma to "Make him prettier" as she always used to say.

The first time Gemma called him princesses, playfully, he was already comfortable enough with this stuff around her, so he just smiled and watched as she put a crown with pink stones on his head.

He felt the prettiest he's ever felt, and it felt good.

And he genuinely felt comfortable with who he is.

But the thing is, not everyone is like his mum or his sister and it's pretty hard to be yourself in this world.

So comfortable lasted for about a month or so before he stopped wearing stuff to go out.

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