The Universe is Against Harry

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Twinflamebreeze on twitter wrote this one. Once again, not my story. I didn't write it.

It's like the universe was against Harry.

He tried. He swears, he tried really hard not to fall for the boy with eyes just the perfect shade of blue.

He tried not the memorize the notes of his infectious laugh.
He also tried not to calculate the number of seconds it took for his smile to reach his eyes and make those mesmerizing crinkles appear by his eyes.

He told himself, the way the boy lit up the room when he walked in, was anything but captivating but he knew he was lying to himself because he spent his days blindsided by his presence.

All his life, he had wished he could be good at football.
So was it really fair for the universe to make this boy, who was already an epitome of perfection, also swift and fluent at football? No, the universe was definitely against Harry.

Kind, caring, sassy, he tried not to fall hard for every other heartwarming quality the boy possessed.
And his voice, god, he definitely tried not to fall for the most perfect raspy voice he had ever heard in his life.

He tried to ignore all the somersaulting butterflies everytime the boy so much as looked his way.

He tried really hard, but when the boy went out of his way to encourage Harry to embrace his love of nail polish and declared in front of everyone that 'Painted nails make Harry beautiful', what chance did Harry really have?

He tried really hard not to fall for the boy with eyes just the perfect shade of blue but it's like the universe was against Harry.

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