Dark Samus x male reader

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"Oh man..."

(y/n) said, lost in a forest.

"Where is the mansion?!"

He nervously ran around the forest.

"Mom is gonna freak!!"

He heard some rustling in the bushes.

"What's that?!"

He began to run fast.

"I think I see it in the distance!"

He continued to pick up speed.

"Yes! Oh yes! I'm almost free! I'm al--"

He wasn't looking where he was running and tripped over a rock.

"Whoa-- ow!"

He fell face first on the grass. Once he got up, he clutched his knee.


He heard the sounds of footsteps getting closer.

"Oh no!"

Then there was a woman in front of him. He covered his face, being too scared to think.

"Leave me alone!"

"It's alright."

The boy uncovered his face.

"Hop on my back."  she said.

"Where are you taking me?" he asked.

"Someplace safe." she responded.

Cut to a few hours later...

(y/n) was waking up in his bed.

"Are you okay?" he heard a voice ask.


"It's okay. You're in your room."

"Who are you?"

"Let's just say you know too much."

The girl disappeared.

Smash Females x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now