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Beep beep I turned around and made the beeping stop. I looked at the clock it read 6:30 I had time to take a shower and get ready. I walked to the bathroom and grabbed a towel out of the closet. I got in the shower I took my time since I didn't have to go to school early because today's my first day there. I did my normal routine in the shower after that I stepped out of the shower and dried my body off. I got dressed in a PIZZA IS MY BAE baggy crop, FRAME DENIM DISTRESSED skinny jeans, LIIGHT GREEN vans. I straighten my long blonde hair then I put the ROYAL FLORAL headpiece around my head. I brushed my teeth and put my think black glasses on and went down stairs.
" Bye mom"
"Bye honey I won't be home when you come back to school but I will be back on Friday"
"okay mom love bye"
Yes a hole week to myself, I grabbed my white penny board and ran out the door. I hopped on my penny board and road to Davidson day school. I rode up the sidewalk when I jumped off my penny board I crashed into someone. I looked up too say sorry.
" I'm so sorry" I said worrywart that the girl is going to be mean about it.
" It's okay. is it your first day here" she asked sweetly.
"Ya it is and my name is allysha Espinosa what's your name"
"My name is Zoe Dallas"
"Cool could you come with me to so I don't get lost I would go with my brother but I can't find him"
"Ya let me go tell my brother he is overprotected"
We walked to group of boys there was Matt he was talking to some guy.
" Matt I'm going with Zoe okay"
"Ya be careful okay"
I gave hem a huge and ran over to Zoe.
" Zoe are we going "
She hugged this guy probably her brother though. She ran to me then we walked in side it was gigantic in the school. We walked to the Office to pick up my schedule so I know what I was doing. She showed me the gym, lunch room, music room and a lot other rooms. Zoe took me to the class rooms rooms to show me the teachers. We had 2 classes together that was awesome.
" Allshya this is my favorite teacher Mis.Dick"
"Hello allshya my name is Mis.Dick"
"Hello Mis. dick" i said trying to hold my laughter in.
"Zoe ran to your classes" Mis.dick said sweetly.
Zoe gave me a huge and ran to her class. Walked in the class room and everyone was looking at me then I saw Matt. I sat in the empty seat next to him.
" What up sis"
"Hey can I sit by u"
I sat down in the see and I was right next to this other guy he was wearing a tie-dye bandanna around his head. He looked really cute.
" Hey Matt who's that" I said pointing at him.
" That's Taylor"
" He's cute"
" No your not dating Taylor caniff"
"Why not"
" Because I said so"
ughhhh i hate Matt right know. I did what I'm not supposed to do and turned around and talk to him.
" Hey" I said all nervous.
"Hi are you matts sister"
"Ya and my name is allysha"
" Hi allysha my name is Taylor "

"OKAY CLASS" the teacher said loudly.
I turned around to Focus on my work. I really like school I'm like a nerd but really cool.
I grabbed myself and ran out the class room with Zoe. We walked to lunch. I sat with Zoe it was just us at the table then some guy with Niue eyes came up to use.
" hey this are table" he said with a group of his friends by hem.
" Well it doesn't have your name on it"
Zoe just sat there and did not talk at all.
" U know what you little bitch" he said walking up to me with his friends behind him.
He pushed me against the wall and made his friends hold my arms down so I wouldn't move he punched me in the stomach twice. I started to shake and he kicked my legs so I would fall down. I fell and started crying what did I do to deserve this I thought to myself I don't even know this guy. They left and Zoe helped me up. We walked to the girls bathroom we went to a stall and she sat me down she help me with the blood and the cuts he gave me. She cleaned the cuts up and the blood. I thanked her for helping me out. She went to my locker and grab my homework and my folders and books she grabbed my penny board to and we walked out the school building and left. She put me in her car and put my homework and Penny board in the back seats. She got in her car and drove to her house .It was complete silence in the car. We got to her house and she got out and grab my stuff from the back of the seat we walked in the house and she walking upstairs she set my stuff down on her table and put me on her bed then it got blurry.

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