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I wake up from my solem slumber, eyes rendering the sharp light of noon, I sit up as I realise my head is throbbing in pain from the night before. "Ughhhhhhhhhh" comes out of my mouth before I can stop it and I slam back on to my bed to sink into my silk pillows. My mind wanders to the remains of what I can remember from last night. Memories of dancing and an immense amount of drinking and money misuse on it. I want to reminisce on my mistakes of yesterday but as I turn my head my eyes lock to my alarm clock and I realise the time. It shows 11:34pm in bright, mocking red.

I rush out of bed, even though I have no reason to, and turn on the shower along with the rest of my morning chores that drag on until it hits 12:00 and I realise the shower is still running and I'm just staring at my empty white carpet. I spend 20 minutes doing the usual and wondering whether I should have a mental breakdown or sing my heart out to Adele. I decide Adele is more healthy and take that option to extend my shower limit by 10 minutes for my idol.

After I get out reality comes back to me and decide to go with a comfy sweater and denim shorts with white converse is good enough for the day I'm about to have. I establish i deserve a lovely vanilla latte from my local coffee shop so I grab my keys and get in my white KIA.

I'm sat at a red light when I see a surprisingly nice male parked next to me and he actually turns out to look vaguely similar. I probably know him from a party I've been to before . As I carry on thinking about where I know him his head turns to look at me and as soon as he does his eyes widen and his head dashes back to the road before I can register any of it .I get extremely confused as the light turns green and he speeds off . "W-what?" I say to myself as I make a left to the coffee shop and try to forget what just happened.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2022 ⏰

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