Miraculous- No ones pov

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"Can we open the boxes now please?" Drake said "ok ok we can open them now" Drake opened his first he found a peace of jewellery that was blue and had a snake on it suddenly Some little creature came out of the box "Why hello there, did Ladybug pick you to be the new Snake miracluous holder?" The thing said "Uh.. Miraculous holder??? Whats that?" Drake said in confusion "A miraculous holder is the holder of the piece of jewellery and the kwami" "Kwami? Whats a Kwami?" Drake said "A kwami is a Magical creature!" The kwami said "And i am Sass! The snake kwami!" Sass said "Zach why don't you open your box?" drake said "ok i will" Zach said"  Zach opened the box in his hand and like what happened with drakes box a kwami came out.

"Hello! i am the Dragon kwami! Longg! I'm guessing Ladybug picked new owners for us?" Longg said "Well i guess" "Well for my owner All you have to say is Sass Scales slither! you don't have to do it now it will transform you into Viperon!" Sass said "And for me Longg All you have to say is Longg! bring the storm! you will transform into Ryuko" Longg said "When would we be able to do it?" Drake said "When the next Akuma Attack happens!" Sass said "And when would that happen?" Zach said "Well we don't really know! its always a surprise!" Longg said "oh ok-" zach said "We should probably get to sleep its getting late" Drake said "Yeah we should but what do you kwami's do we your owner is sleeping?" Zach said "We sleep in are miracle boxes" Longg answered "Well ok you both need to go in you boxes!" "Keep this a secret! no one should know you have kwami's!!!" "Ok We will" Zach said "Goodnight guys" "Goodnight". 

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