Sick luke (no spanking but is interesting)

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••Ashtons pov•••
"Luke it's time to get up." I say in a singsong voice.
In response I only get a "uhuh."
I walk into his room. He looks absolutely exhausted.
•••Luke's pov•••
I feel so sick. I can't see straight, my headless hurts, my throat hurts, it hurts to breath, and I think I might throw up.

I can't tell Ashton or Michael that. Then they will take my temperature. Which would've so bad if they did it through my mouth. I don't like sticks shoved up my butt.... unless it's Michaels. ;)

Scary Ashton. Scary Ashton. Get up go go go.

As soon as I stand up the world starts to spin.
"Are you okay Lukey. Do I need Mikey to take your temperature?"
"Nononono I'm fine." Ashton nods unconvinced. Close call.
I decide to wear sweats today. I walk... no more like snail down to the kitchen.

Pancakes lie on the table. A perfect stack of 8.

"'M not hungry."
Michael gives me such a stern look. Suddenly my stomach agrees to ne hungry.

Sighing I plop down at the breakfast bar. Taking a bite of the pancake I spit it out. "EWWY YOU PUT NUTS IN IT. FμCKING ASSHOLE."

After I finish my rant, I realize what I said. I throw my hand over my mouth. I really don't want to get a spanking.

"Luke 30 min in the corner now." Michael is mad. So I decide to make him more mad. They don't even care that I don't feel good. Just cuz I didn't tell them doesn't mean they should ignore it.

Calum stickers. "Shut the Fuck up Calum. You bastard."

No one says any thing else. Its just silence. Pure silence.

*Awhile later after many warnings and 1 or two warning swats*
"Ashton Fuck off you mother f?cking dick."
"Luke all I did was ask you if you were feeling okay. Then you flipped at me when I tried to feel your forehead to check for a fever."
All the sudden the contents of my stomach come up. Lucky for US there was a garbage can next to me so most of it went there.

I look up to see Michael in the doorway. "Ashton will you take out the trash and clean up the floor while I deal with Luke"
Ashton nods obediently.

I follow Michael into his room. We don't share a room. Yet.

"Luke lay down on your stomach while I get something"

I do as told in fear of making g Michael even angrier.

He comes back with the thermometer. He rubs my back as he sticks the cold metal and plastic torture equipment unto my arse.
I cry out in pain. Its so cold. So so cold.

"Shh babe almost done." Mikey is so nice when I'm sick. It won't beep. That just means it has to be in longer.

"Mikey please take it out." He doesn't respond. Ugh.

"All done babe." And with that we cuddle the rest of the evening.

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