chapter one: introduction to her new high school and her classes

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Yuki looked at U.A high school through the gate, with her books and her school supplies including her backpack and cheat sheets for her classmates to read her hair to show what she was feeling. She was nervous as shown by her bright green hair, and she was trembling a lot. She took a deep breath which made her hair turn brown as it relaxed her and opened the gate and walked through. She felt that she was an anomaly among her fellow classmates, because she didn't have to do the exam to get admission to Musutafu's most prestigious hero school nor was she recommended by anyone. She was just added when her record with all 20 of her quirks reached the school. she was actually requested by the principal himself to attend! She couldn't refuse that! She entered the building and tried to find the principals office, which with her enhanced sight she found from far away. She entered to see the same white mouse in a suit that had knocked on her families door before the school year began behind the desk with the name plate "principal nezu" on it. Nezu smiled as soon as he saw her open the door and enter the room "ahh yuki! So nice of you to attend U.A!" Yuki gave a awkward smile and replied "well you really can't say no when the principal of Musutafus most prestigious hero school comes to your door to request you to attend!" Nezu Responded with a warm smile "no I guess you really can't! So I assume that you are here for your schedule?" "yes that plus to request something." "What is it?" yuki handed him a copy of her hair cheat sheet and said "can you ask the teachers to make copies of this and spread them out to my classmates? I will do it myself for my first class but I only have enough copies for one class myself. I would like all my classmates to have a copy though." "Of course!" "Thank you sir." "You're welcome yuki! Anything to help you on your first day at U.A!" Yuki grabbed her schedule and went to her first class despite it being before the first bell. She entered the 1-A classroom and sat down near the wall, getting out a book to read in the meantime. As her advanced hearing made it easy to hear the first bell ring. So she closed the book she was reading and put it away, getting up and watching her teacher and classmates enter the classroom. Her teacher walked in first carrying a sleeping bag with him, he had a gray scarf, black messy hair, eyes that made it clear that he didn't get enough sleep and a black outfit. Then her classmates walked in one by one. There was one boy with spiky blonde hair and red eyes that tended to snap too easily, another boy with spike green hair and a eager personality, and another small boy with purple grape-like hair that was clearly a pervert. Of the girls, there was a brown haired girl with a cheery personality, one girl that was invisible but yuki could hear her voice, and a girl with pink skin, yellow horns, and pink hair that had a extrovert personality. As class began, everyone was placed in their seats and the teacher said in a dull tone "alright class we have a brand new student this year, so she will introduce herself and answer questions. Since she is completely new please state your names before asking your question." yuki's hair turned green with nervousness as she walked up to the front of the class, and turned to face the class. "My name is yuki yugi, I am 19 years old and I hope we can get along." Then the spiky-green haired boy raised his hand. Yuki pointed at him and he said" Izuku midorya but call me deku! what's your quirk yuki?" "Well deku, I actually have 20 different quirks with new ones still developing! One of them being my hair! It changes color depending on my emotion! Speaking of which, I have something to give you all! One second please!" Yuki reached into her backpack and pulled out her hair cheat sheets, she placed one on each desk while explaining " since I tend to not show emotions on my face too well, I have a color cheat sheet that can tell you what I am feeling by my hair color" every student placed it into their respective Backpack and yuki continued "another quirk of mine is I have the ability to grow any part of my body anywhere I want!" To demonstrate this yuki sprouted another set of hands above her head and waved them. "I would mention and demonstrate the rest but we would be here all day if I did" yuki joked. "Hope that answers your question deku!" Deku had stars in his eyes. The blond boy exclaimed "wow! What freak has over 20 different quirks?!" Deku shouted "kacchan! That's really rude!" Then yuki's hand appeared at the blonde boy's desk and slapped him hard across the cheek. "I will clarify that I will NOT stand by attempted bullying by anyone!" everyone in the class nodded at that. then yuki sat down in her seat, which was next to a young girl who seemed to be the same age as her. Then she went to her other 2 classes after that one (being a six period school day) before something happened that changed everything for her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2023 ⏰

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