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DeVon king had just arrived to the nxt Arena and is being greeted by a old friend

Grimes: Dev long time no see!!

*Him and DeVon dap each other*

DeVon: Hey man how you trev!?

Grimes: Oh you know being great and winning the nxt north american title!

DeVon: That's good dawg but I'll talk to you letter I have to make my debut!

Grimes: ok see u later "prodigy".

*Grimes walks away while DeVon smiling due to one of his nicknames being said.

*Time skip(the gorilla)*

Hunter: all right kid you ready to make your debut?

DeVon: as ready as i ever be hunter

Hunter: like your confidence kid, now go show how your "the prodigy"!!

Devon: on it hunter!

*meanwhile in the ring*                                                                                                                                                     (andre chase and bohdi hayward)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
Andre chase: bohdi is damm well the best student i ever had and he will under my greatn-tutelage will graduate the top of the class!! now lets see who my great student bohdi is facing.

*The crowd erupted in cheers when DeVon music had hit and poipped even more when he had came out on top of the entrance ramp*

Alicia Taylor: this flowing contest is scheduled for one fall!,From Orlando's Florida ,he is the "Prodigy"

*Beginning of the match*
DeVon and bodhi lock up and bodhi got the best of DeVon backing him up to the ropes, while the ref pulled bodhi back DeVon sucker punch bodhi and instantly went for a German suplex which ended up with a 2 count

*Highlights of the match*
-DeVon hit a uranage on the apron
-Bodhi hit a spear-belly to belly
-DeVon hit a reverse Rana
-Bodhi hit a fallaway slam onto the announce table
-DeVon hit a falcon arrow
-Bodhi hit a avalanche belly to belly suplex

*End of the match*
Bodhi had DeVon were he wanted he and was looking for his signature chop block but once he had went for it DeVon hit him with a superkick and a Standing Bang and boom(Canadian destroyer).He then locked in the Kings special for the win.

Alicia Taylor: Here's your winner by submission: DeVon King!!!

DeVon had went back to the gorilla and was received well by Hunter and Vince
Hunter:Good match DeVon
Vince: Yes a pretty good match King, if you keep that up you will be our top star in no time
DeVon: I will sure trust me
Vince: Good cute next week you will be in your first feud now get some rest kid
DeVon: Ok sir have a good day

As DeVon walked off Vince had said something to Hunter
Vince: Kids gonna be a top star I'm serious about that
Hunter: Of course, When have I buried stars before
Vince: I think you know the answer to that Paul

*DeVon pov*
As I was walking to my car I saw a close friend of mine
DeVon: Well hello Taylor!
Jacy: Hey Dev how have you been!?
DeVon: Pretty good all of a sudden now that you're here
Jacy quickly had blushed
Jacy: aww that's sweet*
DeVon: I've all ways been!(his mind):especially on you
Jacy: Well it kinda obvious Dev
DeVon: Ok ok I am
Jacy: at least you agreed with it,Now I have to go see you later
DeVon: Ok Jacy
*Jacy had hugged me and left
DeVon: First day at nxt and it's already gone amazing

*well that's it and I just want to credit JohnnyWriting For his style on how he does matches and I now am going to do the same thing so yea!
Also tell me if I need some improving to so you and me can enjoy
Other than that have a good day!*

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