Pen Cell

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I wasn't sharp until I was sharpen
Written decisions drawing symbol
Only the third eye can reveal

Using my senses I felt the pain within
Cursed by expectations thats hard to fill
But still
I try to fill them

Erasing the negativity from my soul
I became nonchalant and cold
They say my feelings are amentia
Going ghost whenever it's convenient
Self Centered....
I mean

Am I the blame

I recall being number two in your life
Switching me out for others
I should've been on point
But my P.O.V was dull

Have things change

I'm still waiting for a response
Your attention is else where
Daydreaming in silence
Compliant with your subconscious
You're open minded

Dark remarks coming from those I thought were solid
Talking behind my back
Who knew them words would be the talk of the town
I did

What's in the dark shows when the light reflects
Affecting the vision we once had
Comparing old situations to current events
Everything starting to make sense

How can I be so blind
Near sighted
Objects are closer than they appear
For real

Some much pain I held within
Writing out my feelings again
I gotta disable my fears

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