Honey Im home

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Louis was very tired that day it was a long day at work

Time Skip

"Honey I'm home" Louis said with an affectionate voice. He waited for a reply but didn't get one. Louis was a bit surprised because Harry always replied to him when he came home from work. Just as he was going to go to their bedroom he heard soft sobs coming from the room. "Harry!" Louis shouted while opening the door. He saw Harry curled up and his body shaking tears streaming down his face. Louis was extremely concerned.He leaned down to Harry and asked him "What's wrong babe" his voice filled with worry.Harry was too weak for words,so he pointed to the phone beside him.Louis eyes filled with anger when he saw what was on the screen.Many comments filled with homophobic slurs against Harry.Some saying that he is a gay rat,calling him ugly. Louis wrapped his arms around Harry comforting him. Making Harry sob a little less now "Don't listen to what others are saying,you're perfect just the way you are" Louis said to Harry lifting his shirt to kiss his butterfly tattoo,making Harry giggle.They spent the night holding each other in their arms,lips connected. Saying "I love you's" to each other.

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