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Cogefar( a district in Douala-Cameroon), we enter in the compound of a modest family.
My name is Lucia Kamga the last born of a family of three children. On a Saturday I was about to go and play with my friends outside when I heard a noise as if someone is weeping. I follow the noise and find out that it came from my elder sister's room I enter ( because there is nor door since the building of their house is not over) and see as usual Rosine weeping. She is fair in complexion, back hair and eye an oval face with a pink lips. Due to her health, she is now very slim yet she had a normal shape before :
"ooh Josi ( her affectuous name) you are still weeping? We know and understand that you suffer but when you weep like this you hurt us."
" what else can I do Lucia? [Weeping] I feel useless, I am now a source of problem for my family. Because of my situation my parents cannot focus on anything else except on finding a way to solve my problem."
"you're the one feeling all the pain I know but nobody has complained, we know you're not responsible of your state so please stop crying I am going to stay with you."
" no! Go and play with your friends I don't want to spoil your childhood with my problem you must live your life".
"do you think that I can have fun while you are here weeping? No I'll stay and comfort you."
Josi didn't answer but Lucia stayed besides her. When she notices that her sister was asleep, she also lay down beside her and couldn't retain her tears. She felt sorry for her sister and couldn't imagine that her second mother and best friend is now desperate. She recalled what happened five years ago, the event that upset everything in her family:

[ September 2015 ]
We were preparing ourselves for school. My brother Joël was ready and Josi was dressing Lucia as usual when our mum told us to hurry or they will be late. Josi's mate came to take her as usual since she was in 4e allemand ( secondary school) in lycée de nylon ndogpassi.
"good bye luci!" Josi said while leaving.
At 7:15 am, when my mother was about to go and buy our ( Joël and I ) lunch, my father, jean kamga [ a young mechanician of 26 black in complexion,] recieves a call, we only understand " what? Where?" And my mum suspecting that something was going on went to the leaving room to ask him what was wrong. After fifteen minutes they both ( my father and mother) come out and whisper something in my brother's ears and left. I, confused asked my brother:
"Joël what is the problem why are our parents suddenly strange"?
Joël almost crying told me
"mum told me that a car hit josi while she was crossing the road so they are going there. Let's go to school we'll soon be late".
My brother and I reach our primary school and my mistress asked him
" Why are you people late today"
In tears, my brother answers
" My elder sister had and accident and this has just upset us "
She tries to comfort us and I when in my class (sil) one year after nursery school.
That day passed very slowly, I was impatient to go back home and see my sister because I couldn't accept that she had an accident. My mistress notices that I was not partaking in the class but she left me alone and asked my mates not to disturb me. When 2:30pm arrives, my brother was already in front of my class and we left together. On the way we only look at each other speechlessly but we could feel the suffering in each other. When we arrive at home, I enter my room (I shared that room with my sister) and all the tears I restraint during the day came out my body was shaking while tears was flowing on my cheeks as water does from an open tap. Before I realize it, my shirt was wet and laid down and felt asleep.
My bother woke me up at 6pm telling me that my sister has come at rushed from my room to the lounge and I saw my little mum sat and her right leg was plastered. I could see her pain but she turned and smiled :
"Luci I have a gift for you" despite what she was passing through she still reminds her promise of keeping something for me each time she comes back from school. Despite what happened she was still trying to take care of me, despite the fact that she'll not attend her courses something that pleases her more in her life she still think of making me happy. I wept and she stretch her arms to embrace me. Although She was suffering, she tried to comfort me. She gave me all what she kept for me from what she recieves at the hospital. I looked at my parents and for the first time, their look conveyed sadness instead of safety, for the first time I saw my father and super hero desperate for the first time I saw him totally confused he made a sign to me when I came close, he carried me and told me that my sister will soon recover. My brother was not in the lounge he when to do food shopping for we haven't eaten since morning.
In the evening we ate and went to sleep. Despite what my parents and sister told me there was a confusion and a lot of questions sounding inside of me but I was at least happy that my sister is still alive.
Others days passed very well and my sister was recovering normally and one day, the plaster was removed from her leg, she could walk without a crutch.
Someone knocking at the door takes me out of my thoughts, it was my brother coming back from his wanders. I woke up and opened the door and the the opportunity to put things inside.

This is the beginning of my adventure on wattpad. I'm not a best storyteller and I count on your vote, critics and comments to improve my skills
I'm cameroonian !
Thanks for your support

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