Every whore's desire

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"You know," began Evander. His breath smelled of punch and his skin spoke of bottles of perfume. "You never said what was in it for you. What is it you are after? Why the sudden reappearance? You could have just gone for another ship and summoned a crew, promise them riches." Evander leaned in on him. "Promised them power."

Johnny stood up disgusted. "That is not how it works good sir. One needs to be a captain or to be in charge to sail a ship. Most people do not even believe in the Shoshana Islands and a greater majority would not want to spend their life's worth running around a damned sea for treasure that might not exist." "And yet you managed to convince those two bustards about this pursuit of gold." Johnny stared out the window towards the two lords that talked and shared a bottle of wine. "That I did." He whispered as he brought his glass to his lips. "You still have not answered me Johnny. What is the catch? Why them?"

Johnny set his cup down. "If I had not walked in at that moment my dear Evander, then you would have been dead." "True." Evander agreed even he could not deny that fact. "Those two knuckleheads have unquestioned power over these waters. Their authority is so vast that no one does not know the famous lord of Seaxtus or the number of whoring houses the great duke Theobald visits. I could not just go to a ship and bring about ridiculous tale of treasures. No, I needed someone educated, someone that knew but doubted, all I had to do was rekindle that old spirit." Evander walked in his personal space. "You know them both?" "No!" Johnny had to control his rage. "I know that son of a whore- Theobald, and it is because of him my life is miserable." He kicked on a pillow and the sleeping whore whimpered.

"I only want to share my riches, a man can never have too much money." But he knew otherwise, he wanted Theobald dead and all he ever earned or had, all he owned at the swap of his fingers would be his. Johnathan would rise back to his societal status and nothing not even the lord of Seaxtus would stop him. And his burning desire for Bernadette grew, he vowed an oath that he would find her and have her as his own, his queen to rule by his side whether she liked it or not. It was not meant for her to decide but for him. "I will go to bed now. I bid you good night." He bowed his hat at the lord and walked out to his own cabin, a small hell hole he had been placed in. He had a noise and turned to look behind him. Though the deck was scarce of people he could not help the feeling that he was being watched. He shrugged it off, probably it was a sailor, he was never good with those smelling pigs.

"Do you trust him?" Eberhard asked. Theobald smiled as he pulled out his dagger. The blade had been made last minute and he knew the person it would strike first. "I do not. But as long as he does not prove any trouble then I have no issue with him as for Evander." The two lords watched the fat man stuff his face with all sorts of sweets. He was dressed in one of the finest clothes which he borrowed promising to pay. "I doubt that loose goose would keep shut." Theobald continued, "or would even pay up his debt. I find I have no use for him, the lesser the people know about this the better it is." Eberhard pulled out a pipe and dragged in a long whip of air. He let out his breathe and the smoke filled the air colouring it in white with the smell of tobacco as companion. "I find I have no use for him too."

He turned and called out a girl, one of his special pleasures he had denied the fat man. He dropped a bottle of white power in her hands. "You know what to do." The woman nodded. "When do you want it done my love?" She asked seductively. "You can do it from now till the last hour of the night, but I want him gone before the morrow or consider yourself dead." The woman who was a sex worker purred. "You think so lowly of me my love and what will I get as payment?" She run her hands along his lean muscles moving down to his groin area. Eberhard leaned down on her. "Anything you wish." She grinned and pulled out the pipe form his mouth. She stripped off her clothes and walked nudely towards the centre room of entertainment for the lords. The door shut with a soft click. Theobald placed his special knife back in its pocket and turned for his room. Eberhard knew he would not sleep unless the deed was done. And so, he watched through the window as his pleaser worked her way with kisses and touches, as she touched in all the places Eberhard loved to be touched. She had the fat lord stripping out of his clothes in less than a minute. He watched her lay the lord on his back and offer him the poisoned drink. Stupid as he was, he drunk. It did not take him more than a few seconds for him to start vomiting and coughing, but the whore acted ignorantly, she kept on giving him more of the drink till he finished the very last drop.

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