Chapter 1: The Amurians

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Blindingly bright snow accosted his face as reached the cave ledge. Once he had landed, he shook the flakes off his ebony feathers. Flying had its conveniences, but raven feathers were not suited for this level of cold and snow.

Taking refuge in the mouth of the cave, he shook himself again. This time he transformed himself. His feathers melded together and their colors changed back to that of his clothing, complete with his favorite cloak. Stretching his now much taller and human-like self, he adjusted his clothing and dusted off a few fresh flakes, pulling his cloak closer around himself.

Surely this won't take long, Vasco, he thought to himself. A quick in and out and then I can finally return to Estella.

He took a deep breath and turned to look at the dark cave before him with a sigh. Vasco enjoyed visiting the Amuri on a usual basis, but not when they were the last on his list to visit before he could conclude his business and go home. But now wasn't the time for lamenting work. He needed to get professional and get this over with.

He murmured under his breath and a small, shimmering scarlet orb appeared in front of himself, illuminating the cave tunnel before him.

Hopefully he had landed at the right cave entrance. It would be his luck that he would land at the den of a family of snow panthers. Now how fun would that be?

Setting aside these concerns, Vasco continued forward with the small light following along by his side. Soon the rough natural texture of the cavern transitioned to smooth, intricate crystal tiles. The walls detail scenes from Amurian history. It was a sight he had seen countless times before, and yet it never failed to amaze him. There were few civilizations that had ever come close to the intellectual prowess of the Amuri. Impressive, that's what they were. Absolutely impressive.

As the tunnel lightened, he waved away his little scarlet light before stepping into a wide chamber. This room was lit by the glowing of pristine pastel crystals along the walls and ceiling. Across the floor sprawled a giant white and silver spotted fur rug. Along the far wall was a long couch where one of the chief elders of the Amurians was lounging with a large book in his paw-like hands. A pointed ear flicked in his direction.

"Greetings, Tanzanite."

Two pairs of emerald eyes glanced over at him from his book. With a grunt he closed and set it aside to stand upon his cloven hooves. "Well, if it isn't Bertramus. It's been ages, hasn't it?"

Vasco slipped back his hood and dusted the snow from his black hair with a short laugh. "It feels like it was only last month."

"That's because the years of time work differently for you."

"Fair enough, Tanzanite fair enough." He looked at the grinning face of the elder and stepped closer to him. He stood at least a head taller than him, excluding Tanzanite's helical horns from the measurement. Although the Amuri are notoriously slighter in stature in comparison to many other beings, this chief elder was short when compared to his own kind as well.

"So you did get my letter?"

Tanzanite nodded, stroking his long beard. "Yes, my head of research should be here in only a moment. Would you like some cider while we wait?"

Vasco watched the elder's long emerald-striped tail twitch with a slight frown. "Might as well. I have a feeling your researcher will be bringing bad news."

"How-how did you-?" His four green eyes grew wide.

"Tanzanite, you have always been terrible at hiding your emotions. Your tail is your tell." He sighed, accepting a mug from an Amurian woman with an appreciative nod.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14 ⏰

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