The Beauty Queen - Chapter 15

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I got a haircut! It's a fohawk, and it's super cool. I dyed parts of it pink and light blue... it's awesome.


My haircut isn't actually a big deal, I gots front bangs nao. And I like them. :3

Btw, I never put a rating on my stories, but I guess Wattpad automatically rated this one PG-13. .-.


Chapter 15

Nate stared blankly at me. I involuntarily glared back.

Foul thoughts were running through my head, daring to slip out of my mouth. I willingly urged them to stay inside, but they still tried fighting to be said.

"What are you doing?! Hurry up!" Penelope screamed. Or, at least I think it was Penelope. I can't really tell, since her spawn sounds almost identical.

The loudness of the shrieks made me blink and snap out of whatever I was in. I looked at Nate, who still had no expression on his face. I flushed slightly.

That's when Nate started to smirk again.

I don't know when I had decided to smile back, but I did. It seemed so out of character for me, it almost felt unnatural. But that's the weird part. It wasn't forced, fake, or plastic. It was a real, genuine smile. One that I had originally thought I'd never flash at Nate.

After blushing some more, I cursed myself for it. I turned on my heel and walked back up the catwalk, towards the stage where the other contestants were waiting. In my slight happiness, I forgot to strut back up the catwalk, leaving me walking in my normal way. Slightly slouched, a small spring in my step...

"Hurry up! And walk correctly!" Penelope yelled. I was certain it was her this time, since I was facing the stage and her. Her face was red and she looked extremely angry with me. I bit my lip nervously and stopped walking.

I stood in the middle of the catwalk, halfway between Nate and Penelope. Honestly, I would have much rather stayed with Nate, considering my, ahem, feelings. But I turned red, realizing what a view Nate had of my half-exposed butt right now. I immediately straightened up and hurried back to the stage, my heels clacking loudly on the catwalk.

At the last few steps off the catwalk, I stumbled and fell on my butt. I cringed and wrinkled my nose, muttering something under my breath. I saw the other girls roll their eyes at me. Penelope was one of them.

Of course, the only contestant that actually came over to help me was Katy. She was so reliable. If I don't win the pageant... I sure as hell want Katy to win.

I caught a glimpse of Nate snickering to himself in his seat. I averted my eyes and rolled them, feeling the now familiar blush creep onto my face. Ever since I started... hanging out with Nate, it's become a nasty, humiliating habit.

"Thanks," I said to Katy as she helped me up. She giggled.

"No problem." She flashed her normally small smile and joined the other contestants. I told her I would talk to her later. I really needed some time off the whole bikini thing.

And some time off from being so self-concious. Especially in front of a certain hazel-eyed guy.

I kicked off my high heels and snatched them in my hands. I ran out of the auditorium, but not in an embarrassed way. I had just fallen on my butt and modeled like an awkward turtle, but shockingly, I didn't feel the least bit humiliated. Duh, I feel totally violated and super self-concious... But there seemed to be a different feel this time.

Maybe I'm finally getting the hang of this pageant stuff.

I burst into the dressing room, eager to change back into my comfy clothes. I would rather wear a pair of ankle jeans and a t-shirt over a strapless bikini any day. You know, unless it was three billion degrees outside. But I'm pretty sure that's only on the surface of the sun.

I pulled my t-shirt on over my head, messing up my hair in the process. I groaned, looking in the mirror as I tried smoothing down my hair. I fixed my bangs and pushed them to the side.

I stepped backwards from the mirror. I bit my lip and looked around, making sure there was no one in the dressing room. I lifted my t-shirt slightly, exposing my stomach.

I'm not fat. But I'm not skinny, either.

I have this part of my stomach that just juts out like a rock on a mountain. I call it a fat pouch, but my sister calls it my abs. I always laugh and tell her that my abs are nonexistent, and if they really do exist, they'd never be brave enough to show.

I slapped my stomach with my hand a few times. I giggled, suddenly amused by the way my stomach jiggled. It's a little odd, I know. But after wearing a bikini for the first time, I wanted to see what my tummy really looked like.

All of a sudden, the door of the dressing room opened, and Nate stepped inside. I jumped back in surprise, immediately yanking my shirt back down. He raised an eyebrow at me curiously and walked towards me.

"May I help you?" I asked sweetly, trying not to sound fake. I've decided to try to be nice to Nate, and see where it would take me. But my sweetness came out more bitter than anything.

"Why were you looking at your stomach?" I flushed in terror. He had seen that? Nate smirked.

"No reason," I said quickly, turning away from him. I decided to develop a sudden interest in a lipstick on the table. I kept twisting it open and closed, and I couldn't help but notice how the deep shade of pink resembled my face right now. Or really, whenever Nate smirks at me.

"Danielle," Nate's voice came from behind me. I looked up at the mirror, and found that he was standing closer to me than before. Not too close, but closer. I could clearly see his face in the mirror right now. He looked serious. I turned around, feeling a little alarmed.

"What's wrong?" I asked, sounding a little too worried. Nate smiled to himself... Woah. Nate actually smiled? It was a smile, not a smirk. It was real, not arrogant, and completely cute. And out of nowhere, his hand fell gently on my shoulder.

"You're fine the way you are," Nate said. I blushed, feeling the sudden urge to hug him... maybe even kiss him. I looked up at him, and he still had that handsome smile on his face. I cracked a feeble half-smile.

I had incentive to hug him, so I threw my arms around him and rested the side of my head against his chest. Nate didn't hesitate to wrap his arms around me.

"Thank you," I murmured quietly, only loud enough for me to hear.

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