Foreword (Teaser)

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No one knew what the text was all about except everyone died after reading it.


SUMMER always wanted to have a good vacation, filled with late night clubbing without parent's supervision, sessions of truth or dare , bonfire night and finally confessing to her long time crush she loved him. It was the last senior year and with the permission of her parents, she went on a school vacation with her school bestie and colleagues to Miami. That same night they lodged into an hotel, her best friend Kimberly Clark mysteriously dies in the woods after receiving a text message from an unknown number, mentioning a stranger name: Jared Cooper. While the police try to investigate this mystery murder, one by one, the students of Arizona High who received and read the anonymous messages start to go down.

When Summer starts to get suspected by almost everyone to know a thing or the other about the murders being the one always present, she knew she had to do something, even if it meant breaking the law to save others.


Extended Description

All that was left for Summer was her hope to fight the problem (created only by her) and that meant she had to work with her long time crush turned lover—Cross Rey Cooper; her high school bully—Diana Ross; a shy nerd—Zion Eldridge and the once upon a time best friend who betrayed her— Kelly Carmen, to fight the UNKNOWN.



#horror #teenfiction #thriller #mystery #adventure #darkfantasy #unknown #killer #creature #dark #woods #murder #revenge #hunt #fight #togetherness #team #investigation #miami #police #text #message #randomtexts #stranger


Hey guys, I hope you will love this book as much as I do. It's a short story and it's horror. It's my first time writing something related to this so please feel free to tell me what you think of it. I'm not hating on anyone however so please do so politely.

Also, I'll like to have your support in sharing this story to your friends please? I'll be indebted to y'all for that!



/You all can imagine the characters the way you want but I also wanna let you see what I think of my characters too :)//


Summer Bradley----- Ariana Grande.

Cross Ray Cooper----- Kim Taehyung (his cuteness prompted me for this lol).

Diana Ross----- Jenny of BlackPink

Zion Elderidge----- Zayn Malik (imagine him with glasses 🕶️ *_* )

Kelly Carmen----- Massie Williams

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