The Exam

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This is not a lemon, the cover is unrelated to the story.

It all started with a math test. My teacher, Mathpapa was handing out the graded tests, He placed my test face down on my desk. I stared blankly at the thin piece of paper scared to flip it over, but eventually, I did. I was not pleased with what I saw. Red X's peppered the page and a giant 69 decorated the top. This, however, was not the worst thing about this test, the worst thing about this test was the note. At the very bottom of the page, there was a note saying "come see me after class" A 69 was a bad grade but not bad enough to have to see the teacher after class. I was a bit surprised to see the note.

Soon school ended and it was time for dismissal. Despite my reservations, I decided to see Mathpapa after school, since I was curious if I could improve my grade. I carefully packed my textbooks into my backpack and started on the journey to Mathpapa's classroom.

I walked haltingly along the tiled school hallway stopping every few seconds to adjust my backpack. After what seemed like hours I finally arrived at the classroom's doorway. I stood at the door for a few moments until I finally decided to open it. When I opened the door I saw Mathpapa sitting at the teacher's desk typing something on his computer.

"Good afternoon Mathpapa," I said rather timidly.

Math papa responded, "Good afternoon, but please call me Professor. "I found this very odd because everyone called him Mathpapa, but I obliged.

"Yes...Professor...'' I replied softly.

"I can see you're struggling with calculus. Well, this worries me since you are usually a good student" I smiled at him while nodding trying to seem engaged in the conversation. I didn't care about how "worried" he was, I just wanted to improve my grade.

"If you would like, I could give you... a retest." Mathpapa said cheekily. My eyes grew wide. His offer piqued my interest.

"I would like that very much," I replied excitedly.

"Hehe, I thought so," Mathpapa added with a smirk.

Mathapapa instructed me to sit at one of the empty desks. When I sat down, he handed me the test. I examined it. This test was just one page like the first one I took. Unlike the first test, it only had ten questions which were all multiple choice. This seemed simple. Everything was fine and dandy until Mathpapa said: For each incorrect answer you will have to remove a piece of clothing. I was appalled, but I only nodded and smiled. I took a pencil from my backpack and began on the test. I answered every question carefully. All my answers were correct, and I left the room without removing a single piece of clothing.

Thanks for reading this literary monstrosity. If you follow, I might write some more stuff. Ok bye-bye. (*^▽^)/

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