Chapter 1

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It is another afternoon in the vast and seemingly endless sea that is the Grand Line; another afternoon the Going Merry sails it's treacherous waters. A few hours has passed since the Strawhats escaped from the marine blockade as they left Alabasta with a bitter-sweet farewell.

Luffy sits in his special sit as he enjoys the relative peace and quiet; which is more than welcome after the exhausting adventure the strawhats have went through.

From escaping a town of bounty hunters, going to a pre-historic island that has living breathing dinosaurs and giants to be further pursued by them, Nami being in the brink of death and of course being constantly wary and on guard against Crocodile and his twisted plans though it all. Add batshit crazy weather to the list.

A Novel could be written about his adventures already and it has only been few weeks since he left home, he could only imagine how fantastical it would be by the end of his voyage around the world.

Luffy frowns as that thought surfaces in his mind and along with it invertedly surfaces long buried feelings.

Before he could ponder further, he takes a glance behind as footsteps interrupts his thoughts.


It was Zoro. Luffy knew it was time for another one of these serious 'talks' as captain and first mate & not friends. Zoro always has a look and a voice reserved for it whenever he approached him for the very infrequent times when he is demanded to act "professional" as a pirate captain.

Luffy had a good idea what it was about given the unceremonious way the newest member on board joined the crew; Luffy was anticipating for the eventual confrontation. Even if he did prefer to avoid these talks most of the time due to him feeling that their importance is overblown by Zoro, He knows he can not simply brush it off this time.

Luffy plopped down from the head of the Merry, "What's up Zoro?" He asked as he stepped towards him.

Zoro crossed his arms, "You know what I am going to ask you right?" his tone making it clear there is no escape until he is thoroughly interrogated.

Luffy scratched his head sheepishly, "Yeah..." He cursed himself in the back of his mind for not initiatiatng the conversation himself earlier, the unforgiving look Zoro gave him pierced through as a reminder that he should have.

"So, let me just get to the point, why did you let that woman join the crew?" Zoro asked, not hiding his disapproval.

Luffy internally winced, although he knew this wouldn't be pretty. It was worse than he thought given how close Zoro was to snapping with just the first line "Are you against it?" He asked inquisitively.

Zoro narrowed his eyes, "That doesn't answer my question Luffy" The edge loud and clear in his words.

Luffy didn't reply, he needed take control so it isn't a one sided beatdown. He went to the railing as he faced the sea "I will answer yours but answer mine first"

Zoro glared at him "I have to trust your judgement, but I don't trust her, I can't keep telling myself to trust your judgement if I am not given an explanation right now" he said sternly.

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