Chapter 1

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Dean tapped his foot on the metal rim of his chair, the club music was loud and the colored lights flashed and danced across the walls. He swirled his nearly empty drink in his hand and watched the foam bobble and shift around in the glass.  Dean knew he had been here far to long already, Sam had already left, being pulled behind a small dark haired girl, but he still felt he was waiting for something.  He had just began to toss the idea of leaving around in his brain. But honestly what would i do? Go sit in the impala and wallow in self pity? My best bet would be to pick up sme chick as a distraction. Dean glanced around and surveyed everyone in the club. He almost brought himself to go speak to a cute girl in a sequin dress sitting near the back, but then a man settled down in the chair next to him. The stranger had dark hair and eyes blue as the sky, he wore a long tan trench coat. The man glanced over at Dean with his face scrunched into a confused expression. Dean realized he was gaping so he closed his mouth and turned his attention back to his hands on his glass. Dean listened to the man order his drink in a low gruff voice. Eying him from the side, Dean immediately knew that he needed to talk to this man. He gave a small smile, maybe this night was looking up.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2023 ⏰

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