Part two

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His body heat was a little uncomfortable to me, I haven't even touched another person like this since I was a kid. I felt like a stranger to physical contact in general, though I've had my scraps and battles, this kind of touch seemed alien to me.

He help me with such a protective grip it made me

I knew for a fact it was getting to me. The cold, that was. He seemed so... loving. Something I didn't deserve in the slightest. I had watched him take me to the castle, I'd known my way around to the cells through the front halls, but he took a side door, up to his room. I'd always seen the stairs but never got the chance To go anywhere off the first floor, or the cells I had been kept in time and time again.

The way he held me. I can't get over it. The way he had such a respect in only a hold.

"Can you put me down?" I said after he led me into his very large locked up wing of the castle. He looked at me for a second and set me down. I was still cold, very slowly cooling down.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2022 ⏰

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