Savor Moments

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Dedicated to Yumi on twitter! She's a fantastic artist and such a sweetheart, so go follow her @miiywma
Mornings after the annual cleanse were rather peaceful.  Screaming would come to a stop, many would reopen their businesses, and territorial takeovers would take place.  This was a morning like any other, but it felt special this time.  More peaceful and calming.

Vox was on his side, a small smile on his dimly lit screen, and one of his hands gently holding Valentino's.  The beauty of his sleeping moth was unmatched.  Not a single being in heaven, hell, or earth could possibly compare.  Heaven, even a rose paled in comparison in Vox's eyes.  Leaning slightly forward, he pressed a gentle kiss to his lover's forehead.

Valentino gently stirred, beginning to awaken.  His bright red eyes gazed up at Vox.  At first, he was in a fog, but it slowly cleared up the longer he was awake.

"Bonjour, mon amour~" the moth whispered.  His tv-headed lover happily grinned, a hint of darker blue coloring where his cheeks would be.

"Fuck, I love when you speak in French~"  Valentino quietly chuckled at the compliment.  He knew his silky baritone voice combined with French words could easily get his beloved harder than stone.

For a long while, the two simply stared.  Normally, Valentino wouldn't stare at him with a gaze softer than his usual sultry look.  But the softness in his gaze was there.  Loving and beautiful.  It was most likely due to Vox's head being a tv screen.  Given the Overlord of lust and depravity was a moth demon, it would make sense.

"I need to get a new screen.  One of the exterminators managed to crack it before I got to safety," Vox finally sighed, breaking the comfortable silence between the two.  At the mention of a new screen, Valentino shot up in excitement.  If he had a tail, it would definitely be wagging in his giddy excitement.  But he had something even better than a tail—a set of beautiful, pure white wings with hearts scattered everywhere.  His wings fluttered happily.

"A brighter screen!?"

Vox let out a quiet, static-filled chuckle.

"And a bit bigger?"

"Bigger and brighter!" the moth cheered happily.  Vox smiled and leaned close, kissing Valentino on the forehead.  This brilliant overlord had no idea how cute he could be when excited about anything with a light...that or drunk and finding a light.  Just the thought made Vox nearly chortle.

On an especially tiring night of work, he had found his beloved moth drunk and on a street corner, kissing a lamp post.  Of course he took a picture and kept it on file.  Just like he had now to keep the memory of Valentino's adorable moments stored away in a special file.

The couple quickly stood, dressed themselves in matching casual outfits, and headed on their way.  Valentino picked all their matching outfits.  He didn't trust Vox's sense of style.  Today, they wore dark blue pants, crimson pullover shirts, and-of course-their signature hats.

Aside from the moth's buzzing in his excitement, the ride to the electronics store was enjoyable and peaceful.  Different from normal.  Valentino would usually be making passes and trying to fuck in the limo, which Vox didn't mind, but the change was nice.  He needed to focus on what would become his new head.

Once the limo stopped (at Vox's own store, mind you), the two got out and headed inside.  Flat screen televisions lined the walls of the place with his commercials playing on each one.  The aisle ways were littered with phones of all shapes and sizes, computers, and gaming consoles on display.  Val went straight to the televisions.

Vox stopped a few feet behind the tall moth demon, admiring him.  His excitement, endearing smile, and the sparkle of child-like wonder in his eyes.  Nothing could possibly make the media demon happier than seeing his beloved act in such a manner.

"Alright, Tino, do you have a favorite one picked out?"

Val turned to him, quickly nodded, and pointed to the desired flat screen.  Vox currently had a twenty inch head, Val was pointing at a thirty-five inch flat screen.

"Another fifteen inches?  It'll take up quite a bit of room in bed," he softly explained.  Hearing the tiny bit of worry in Vox's voice, Valentino walked over to him and placed a hand under his screen.

"Voxxy, that doesn't matter to me.  It'll give me more of you to kiss, magnifique~"

Vox's little antennae straightened before making a little heart.  His cheeks flushed a deeper blue and his eyes went wide.  Val had never been this affectionate before.  Had something changed after learning his lover nearly died the previous night?  The Overlord of Lust leaned close, pressing a tender kiss to Vox's forehead.

"Let's get your new face and head home for a lazy day~"  Vox took a moment to process what happened, a goofy grin on his face once he had.

"Yeah, let's."

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