The Church

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The bright sun glistened against the tall stained windows reflecting the maroon color onto any surface it touched, it smelled of a soft vanilla fragrance that fitted the warm temperature in the church. A feminine figure stood in front of the giant cross, her hands softly pressed together as she mumbled to herself. She wore a cornette, neatly ironed not a wrinkle in sight as well as her hip slit dress that went well with her black lace garterbelt and heels. "Enjoying your morning prayer sister Audio?" a masculine voice asked from behind her, turning a heel she greeted the man with a smile "Good Morning pastor! Yes, would you like to join me?" she asked. The pastor or known as Marlen shook his head and waved goodbye to her walking off.

Watching him walk away, Audio softly sighed turning to face the cross once more "Lord thou are in heaven, please bless me with your protection. For I feel a dangerous presence from afar." she prayed before walking into a neat hallway leading her to the bathroom. Soon the sound of chatter from outside surrounded the church, as if on cue Marlen walked into the main room where he saw silhouettes from outside "Ah, it's time. Sister Audio would you mind letting the guest in?" he asked as Audio returned from the restroom "Of course father." she nodded rushing to the big grand doors, taking a deep breath she grabbed the handles and pulled them open.

People came rushing in some greeting Audio while others greeted Marlen.

As everyone was seated Audio went into her position which was beside Marlen. "Thank you everyone for coming on this lovely sunday! Let us resume where we left off, Philippians 4:6, now let us begin. And remember if you have any issues please signal Sister Audio." Marlen greeted opening his bible. While Marlen read his verses, Audio kept a lookout for any signals of distress. After a while someone whispered out for Audio, looking around she caught sight of a man waving at her to come over. Audio quietly walked over to him "Something wrong sir?" she whispered. The man who had called her over had pale soft skin, a soft black stubble with a stern look on his face that matched his brown eyes, he looked to be in his mid 30's-40's. He looked at Audio, admiring her facial features before saying with a guilty tone "Sister if I may, I'd like to come clean about my sins." Audio was shocking for a moment but she agreed.

Leading him from the main room to the backroom where a giant stained window that had a painting of Mother Virgin Mary on it stood in glory as another giant cross decorated it with its shadow looming over Audio and the man. As they both walked in Audio pulled out her rosary and held it in her hand, "Thank you sister I deeply appreciate your time." the man said "Of course! Now, if you are ready, please pray with me." Audio said, closing her eyes and holding her rosary to her chest. While audio mumbled a prayer the man quietly walked behind her.

His hands softly slid to her waist causing Audio to hitch a breath "Sir! What are you doing?!" She asked her body twitching with every touch, "Keep praying or I'll let everyone in this church know what a sinner you are." he ordered, his hands finding their way to her chest fondling them. Audio continued to mumble the prayer as she slowly melted into his touch, dropping her rosary letting her hands wrap around the man's neck begging for more of his touch "Look at you, letting a stranger touch you like this. Such a nasty nun you are." he teased licking her neck. Audio let out mewls and whimpers feeling hungry for more than his touch.
Backing her rear against the man's crotch she felt how hard he was "Please, put it in." Audio begged rubbing her thighs together "I wonder what the pastor would think when he finds out his wife is cheating on him with a stranger." the man teased, secretly pulling out his phone and began recording "We never get this close in fear of being denied by the eyes of god.." Audio explained, still rubbing against him "And you want me a complete stranger to take your virginity?" he asked his hand sliding down to her crotch slowly rubbing it "Yes! Please, I can't wait any longer!" Audio begged, spreading her legs slightly "Such a whore." the man whispered, rubbing his finger faster around her sensitive bud. He continued his lustful action still filming the sounds she made and the words she said "I think I'm gonna!-'' Audios words were cut off short as a clear liquid stained her panties and slowly dripped on the floor. "You surprise me sister, you're way more sensitive than I imagined." the man said, removing his now soaked finger from her crotch whipping it off on his shirt.

Letting go of Audio watching as she fell limp on the floor, a sweaty panting mess "I'll be leaving now sister thanks for hearing me out." the man said, turning a heel and walking away. "Wait!" Audio called out, catching the man's attention "If you don't mind me asking. What is your name?" she asked. There was a momentary silence before he responded "It's Silvon sister." as he continued to walk out the room. Leaving audio to think what she had done "Oh goodness...What have I done! I'm such a horrible being. Good lord no matter how many times I atoned for these sins I still would not have been forgiven.." she whispered to herself. She sat there still in front of the cross and the stained window of Virgin Mary, the room filled with silent sobs as Audio sat there in her own semen.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2022 ⏰

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