The Boy with the Guitar

40 6 0

> Serra Torres

After a long day at college I was on my way back to our house. A soft sigh escapes when I pull out my phone to see that my friends didn't reply to any of my messages yet.

Yep that was the only downside of moving to Australia. The weather is a big improvement but leaving everything behind was a big toll on me. Maybe this was the reason why I am babying my sister so much. I know Aria can take perfect care of herself, however when I heard rumors about some Zack kid bullying the new girl- oh I got in berserk mode. Nobody can hurt my sister in anyway! However I might have gone a little overboard by going to her school and yelling at those two guys.

Suddenly I notice him again. A tall guy with light brown hair is sitting on the edge of a fountain while lightly strumming his guitar. Every day I stop to listen to the music he is making, and sometimes I am lucky enough his voice sing along with the angelic melody he's making. Today he I notice him scribbling in a notebook before lightly playing his guitar again. There's so many thing I want to ask him and even though I have big mouth - as my sister puts it -, I am too shy to walk up to him and ask him these things. Besides he could be a total jerk that might flip me off acting like a royal dive of nothing.

"Hi Serra, wanna go to the beach. It's so freaking hot right now" Zimra asks as she leans on me with her arm. "Please, don't say no this time or else I will go berserk mode on your ass".

I snicker softly while keeping my eyes on the mysterious guitar boy. "Sure let's go, maybe Aria wants to come too".

"Oh please you only drag her along because you are afraid that this Zack Young will do something to her. No need to worry about a thing. His older brother is the only one he wants to annoy so he won't be touching your sister at all" Zimra says while looking at her nails. "Come on let's go already. We are wasting time here".

I only nod before I follow her.

Zimra is the first friend I made at school here. The big coincidence here is that we both moved from Europe to Australia so that made an instant connection. Only difference between us is that she's a Dutch / Vietnamese girl, one that keeps begging until she gets her way or until she gets bored. On top of that she is the biggest football geek I have ever met, she even better in fangirling then most guy that support their club. However she only cares for one club. Besides that she also sasses me in Dutch sometimes, so I either get a translator or I need to learn the language myself.

"Yes I'm coming".

I look behind me one last time to see the boy grab his backpack from the ground before walking away. For a second I get the feeling he is joining Zimra and me on the beach, however he goes into some alley on the way over. Too bad, I was wondering if he likes the beach? He's pretty pale for someone who leaves in Australia.


The next day at lunch I am yet again staring at him while eating a sandwich with Zimra. I remember the days I was pale back home in England, now I have the colour that girls in Essex choose to spray tan themselves with- only not orange and more natural.

Today he was wearing a wide white T-shirt along with some ripped blue jeans. How can someone so handsome be such a loner?

"Hey are you even listening to me, gosh Serra where is your head at".

Zimra waves her hand in front of my eyes to get my attention as she let's out a soft sigh. "Seriously Serra, talk to the guy you keep staring at him. This is like creepers mode and it even frightens me while you are completely ignoring me".

I shake my head softly.

Talk to him? I bet he doesn't want anyone to talk to him though. Not that I know, but it sure looks that way.

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