Now, Sit Still

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*this will not follow the exact plotline of wss. pov will switch after line break.


"Valentina, are you sure about this? I can always stay later, you know that I-"

Valentina waved Y/n's offer off with a wave of her hand, "Ay, mi querida, do not worry. You know how those...boys...can get...I do not want you to be walking home alone so late." She shivered at the thought of the two fighting gangs, before going back to organizing the glass box the cash register sat on. Y/n's face scrunched up in worry before she walked up to Valentina, helping her organize.

"Valentina, let me help, por favor." Y/n had been trying to work on her Spanish slowly, so she began integrating bits and pieces into her vocabulary slowly. She wanted to make things easier for Valentina for being so kind to her. "It's the least I can do." Y/n affirmed softly, causing the older woman to smile and playfully smack Y/n's shoulder. "You are too much like your-"

The door of Doc's slammed open so hard that Valentina could've sworn the window broke. Both employees rushed forward towards the door, but the older one stopped before rolling her eyes.

"I told you, I do not want you in my store!" She said, a scowl resting on her face. For someone as kind and loving as her, any sort of displeasure on her was nerve inducing. Her eyes landed on the tall boy standing in the doorway. "C'mon, you know me. I'm not going to-"

"You've been stealing from me since you were six. Now get out," Valentina deadpanned. Riff completely ignored her, his eyes and attention finding her, "Hi there, gorgeous." He flashed a smile at Y/n, "Don't you usually get off earlier than this?" He questioned before walking a bit closer to her. As enticing as Riff was, she knew he had an ulterior motive.

"What're you hiding from now, Riff? Or who?" It was Y/n's turn now to walk closer to him, causing him to scoff then swallow before looking at the girl nervously. "No one. A Jet don't hide. Guys hide from me, it ain't the other way around." He spoke lowly before starting to walk towards the Milky Ways.

"Wanna cover me, girly girl?" He asked holding up a Milky Way and shaking it a bit, his typical smirk back on his face as if anything he just said never left his mouth. Rolling her eyes, she opened her mouth to say something before an idea came to mind. It was time for Y/n to wear her own smirk to challenge Riff's. "Hmm, only if you tell me why you're really in here."

Clearly, Riff didn't expect that. His eyes widened and Y/n had to fight very hard not to laugh. Riff didn't expect Y/n to tease back, pleasantly surprising him. Riff swallowed his nerves and cleared his throat, looking at the candy bar in his hand. "Can we talk somewhere else?"

Y/n was taken by surprise by Riff's request. Skeptically, she glanced between her boss and the tall Jet, "Ir. Estar a salvo." The older woman spoke, before smiling at Y/n and repeating herself in English, "Go, be safe." At that, Y/n smiled nervously and nodded before grabbing her bag and leading Riff to the door. The two walked together before Y/n's ran back to the cash register, placing a coin into the drawer before walking back over to Riff who was holding the door open for her.

"Y'know, girly girl... I didn't expect you to actually cover me." Riff teased before shutting the door behind them, chuckling at her.

Valentina held her hands in front of her mouth, watching Y/n and Riff walk off together. Her nerves were frayed enough, but watching her surrogate child walk into the arms of a gang leader frightened her. She trusted Y/n, not Riff.


"Girly girl? And, yes, Riff, I had to cover you. Valentina is too sweet of a woman for you to keep stealing from her." You reprimanded, causing Riff so smile. Has he always been this smiley? You shook the thought from your head and looked at your surroundings, "You're not gonna try anything with me, are you?" She raised a brow, causing Riff to laugh. "Relax. I just didn't want the old woman to hear me say what I wanna say. But, we're here." Riff kept walking to the edge of the park, to the river. He sat down at the edge and held a hand for you. You took his hand and sat next to him, looking out at the river.

Now Sit Still [Riff Lorton x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now