Chapter 2

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🩸Chapter 2🔪

Izuku POV:
Today we all decided to go to the mall together as a class for new clothes and stuff. I'm walking through the mall when I see a familiar face walking towards me while looking right at me as well. He approaches me and soon we are right in front of each other, me looking down at him and him looking up at me.

Izuku: Tomura Shigaraki. What are you doing here?

Tomura: Izuku, and I just wanted to make sure that you were being faithful to the league.

Izuku: Are you doubting me, Tomura?

Tomura: N-no...but mas-AFO!

Izuku: ......So you think it's ok for you to go around calling other men 'Master'?

Tomura: N-no sir! Well...he makes me do it...

Izuku: I want you to remember who you really belong to, Tomura. Don't you dare forget that I. own. you.

Tomura: Y-yes sir. I won't.

Izuku: Good, now, I want you to go and tell Hizashi that our deal is still intact and he needn't worry over such things. Understand?

Tomura: Yes sir, I do, goodbye sir.

He walks away quickly after a small bow and I return to the class and continue shopping before we all head back to our houses.

~~~~Next day~~~~

Katsuki POV:
Izuku: Katsuki, I want you to come to work with me today.

Katsuki: But-...Y-yes sir....'fuck'

Izuku: Good let's go.

I follow him outside and to the car where we get in and drive to the LOV headquarters. The league happens to be in an alliance with master at this time and so we meet occasionally with them to discuss things but the thing is that master's other pet, Tomura Shigaraki, is also in the league and the second in command of it too. He also happens to dislike me very much because I'm master's favorite pet. There are times where I wonder what life would be without master, but I don't let them get to me. I made a promise to this man, one I cannot betray. Besides...I kinda like it I guess.
When we arrive we find Tomura, kurogiri, AFO, and two new recruits that we haven't met, waiting for us. Master and I walk over to the group, both of us getting weird looks from the two newbies.

Izuku POV:
Izuku: Hey, what's good Hizashi? Aren't you going to introduce me to your new subordinates?

Hizashi/AFO: Oh, yes. The tall male is Dabi, also known as Toya Todoroki. And the female is Himiko Toga. How are you Izuku?

Izuku: I'm doing fine. So have the newbies been trained properly yet?

Hizashi: I'd say they have. Yes. What do you think Tomura?

Tomura: They're ok to me mas-erm..sir.

Izuku: Close call there Tomura.

Hizashi: Excuse me what's going on right now?

Izuku: Nothing you should concern yourself with, Hizashi. Now Katsuki why don't you join these four while I talk to Hizashi.

Katsuki: Yes Sir...

Katsuki POV:
Master leaves the room with AFO and the five of us all take a seat in the living room.

Tomura: Why did you come here, Katsuki?

Katsuki: Oh shut up Tomura. You're just jealous that I'm master's favorite and not you.

Tomura: Am not!

Katsuki: Man child. Anyway newbies, I'm Katsuki, nice to meet you. Don't mind this idiot here he's a bitch. Also GAY just so you know, like me.

Dabi: Oh cool man, I'm Dabi and this is toga. So like are you and that guy you walked in with part of the LOV too?

Katsuki: Nah, master and AFO just have an....alliance with each other. That's all.

Dabi: Oh...ok then. Cool, I guess.

Tomura: Ima go murder some people, anyone wanna come?

Toga/Giri: We'll go.

All three of them walk out of the hideout, leaving me and Dabi alone in the living room together. Dabi walks over to me slowly and sits down right next to me,  placing his hand on my thigh.
I tense a little.

Dabi: Y'know, you're kinda cute, Katsuki.

Katsuki: S-sorry dabi but I'm taken. Please go back to your seat.

Dabi: I don't care. What he doesn't know won't kill him.

He grabs my wrists and pins the above my head on the couch so that I'm trapped, under him. I squirm and try to get out of his grasp but he's strong and doesn't budge an inch.

Katsuki: W-what are you doing dabi! L-let go of me!

Dabi: I don't think so, Katsuki. I like you and I'm going to make you mine whether you like it or not. Just stay quiet!

He gets all the way on top of me and starts to roughly lick and kiss at my, now exposed, neck. All while I'm trying my hardest to get away from him.

Katsuki: Stop it Dabi! Please stop it! Let me go! Please....!

Dabi: Stop squirming bit-*whack*

I open my eyes to see dabi on the ground, knocked out cold, with master standing over me. I jump up and hug him as tightly as I can with him just petting my head softly.

Dabi: .....w-what happened....?

I turn around to find dabi slowly standing up, and looking at me. I cower slightly and hide behind master in fear as dabi fully comes to.

Dabi: I'm sorry but I believe you have something that belongs to me.

Izuku: Actually, you're wrong. Katsuki is mine and mine alone. If you so much as touch him again I'll rip your head off.

Dabi: Oh, so you're the boyfriend?

Izuku: Not quite, But I assure you, he won't go anywhere with you. And you seem like you still need some sense knocked into you. Am I right?

Dabi: Fuck off.

Izuku: I'll take that as a no. Now walk away like a good boy and leave my pets alone.

Dabi: Tch. Whatever bastard.

Dabi walks out of the room and master makes me look at him before kissing me softly on the lips. Then he pulls away from me and grabs my arm.

Izuku: Come, pet. We are going back to the house.

Katsuki: Y-yes sir.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2022 ⏰

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