Chapter 2:The Call

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Sebastian:I'm bored any job offers? Bartleby:I'll tell you what I told you five minutes ago No!(phone rings)Bowser jr:I got it(answers the phone)hello.?:Yes is this the Koopa detective agency.Bowser Jr:Yes who is this?Rick:This is sheriff Rick Grimes,can I speak to your leader? Bowser jr:Sure.Sebastian it's for you. (grabs the phone)hello? This is Sebastian.Rick:Yes we come here to ask you if you wanted to accept a job have to do with a missing person. Sebastian:Missing person,who? Rick:Victor Getz, a dectective went missing while trying to solve a case on a amusement park,basically we what you and your team to find him and if you can solve his case,do you accept? Sebastian:I don't know let me talk it over with my team then I'll call you later.Rick:Okay let me know later(hangs up) Sebastian:Okay team get your asses over here.Bartleby:What they call for? Sebastian:They asked us to investigate a park.Bowser Jr:Fazbear Park? I'm surprised they haven't torned it down.Lucario:Fazwhat? Sebastian:Bowser jr,could you tell us what you know?Bowser jr:Sure, gather around children for I have a tale that will make you shit your pants.Bartleby and Lucario:I don't wear pants.Bowser jr:Well just listen.

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