Serena Returns!

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Just watched the latest Pokemon Journeys Episode 105! It was an incredible experience and I decided to share my thoughts about it.

So I think u probably know by now that Serena came back! More than 6 years but finally she came back to the anime!

Now for all of you wondering why, the reason she came back was for her performance. So throughout the episode, she interacted a lot with Chloe and long story short, inspired her to perform. So that was the aim of this episode to kind of bring back Serena to give Chloe the right direction.
This episode also did a lot of justice to Chloe's character and she went through a lot of development.

On the other hand, Ash and Goh very busy with their own stuff and were not watching her contest.
By the way, Wallace returned too! Yeah the Ex champion of Hoenn. And guess what? Ash defeated him easily.
That battle wasn't even shown because obviously the main focus was Serena, her performance and her interaction between Chloe.
But then this shows the level of Ashy Boi as a trainer! He is at the Champion level for sure and can beat Champions easily! Defeating Wallace and Iris before shows this.....

So, I was watching the episode as it was premiering and I almost came to the end.
At this point, I was like yeah, it was a pretty good episode and alright.
But then comes the Ultimate moment! There were like 1.5 mins left and Chloe was on her ferry and was interacting with Serena.
That's when Ash and Goh came as their ship was leaving. Serena saw him and they interacted for like 20 seconds before the ferry left. To see them reunite after 6 years after that painful goodbye(even if this wasn't a proper reunion) was really emotional for someone who's supported Amourshipping a lot along with other shippings.

As far as I understood their conversation(which was in Japanese without any subs), it was like:
Satoshi: "I'm currently participating in the World Championship Tournament and I'm aiming for becoming the strongest!"
Serena: "I'm participating in contests. If you are aiming for becoming the strongest, I'm gonna aim to become the best performer!"

It was great to see that both of them are still following their dreams and are getting more inspired to do better by meeting each other.

Their interaction and this episode made my day much much better! Made me so nostalgic and brought a lot of pleasant memories back. I used to watch XY and XYZ so sincerely as a child. It was and still is my favourite season of Pokemon ♥.
Life was so simple, fun and easy back then.....

Well I sincerely hope that Serena returns to watch Ash battle against Leon in The Finale. That'd be definitely a satisfying and adorable ending ☺.

Anyways, I seriously hope that I didn't bore u guys with this lecture of mine.
Just thought of sharing my views on this with everyone.

If you're here and if u read all this, then thanks a ton. I appreciate it a lot!
Lol here's this from my side: 👑 💎

Keep smiling

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