Abandoned killing game shit

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All this is
Old as fuck


Also most of these were written by my friends lmfao

‼️ONLY ALEX AND COMET BELONG TO ME‼️Also most of these were written by my friends lmfao

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Otherwise from the mess that is his room, there was another mess. One more bloody and shocking...

There laid Ichigo Ri, the super high school level fashion trend follower, laying motionless on the floor. His head cracked open.

Comet - The Ultimate AstrologistEXECUTED

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Comet - The Ultimate Astrologist

Cruel Constellation

Comet smiles at everyone with tears streaming down their face as a large metal collar flies put and goes around Comet's neck before dragging them out of the room. Kuso panicked as he extended a hand to Comet but instead ran behind them when he couldn't make it. Meanwhile, Comet was getting placed on a cardboard cutout of a star by Monokumas.

Comet is placed on a table on the shape of the sun afterwards. Under them and above them is the abyss of space. Kuso looks around for a way to help Comet without getting killed. He got an idea, but he'd have to be fast. Monokuma appered in front of them with a gameshow host suit. A large screen behind him starts to project pictures. Comet just has to guess planets, random trivia, and constellation names under 10 seconds each. Easy enough!

For every wrong answer Comet gets, Monokuma's surround them and lazily carve constellations into their body. Comet has only gotten three wrong so far, two of them was just them being too slow. Comet clutches their bleeding arm as they continue to guess. One two three TEAR! One two three four five BLEED! Comet breaths heavily while they shake with all the wounds they've gained. Kuso was jumping on the spare Monokuma's heads to make it to Comet, barely reaching some sometimes.
The final question, what constellation was this? The picture was quite blurry but it clearly showed the big dipper. They quickly guessed that before a buzzer that showed they were wrong. Monokuma turned the projecter off and it turns out there were no constellations, just lazers burning into screen. Comet's eyes widened as Monokuma's smug smile widened as he carved a large big dipper in irony on their chest. As all the bloodloss started affecting them, Comet began to lose their balance as they fell back on the cardboard cut out. Kuso screamed and leaped to Comet to be able to be at least killed with them.

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