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"Sorry, everyone. Thank you for coming but the wedding's off."

You slouch as you place down your fourth shot of Vodka for the day. Dizzyness was catching up to you already.

"Rough day, huh buddy?" You let out a drunken laugh, "Rough day would be an understatement."

"I could tell you're drinking vodka like it's water." You could only hum at the bartender.

"I just.. Just thought that maybe.. She loved me as much as I loved her. Was so fucking wrong."

On normal days, you wouldn't like to vent out your problems to complete strangers or at all for that matter. However, alcohol always made you say what was on your mind.

"Feel so.. I.. I'm so fucking embarrassed man." The bartender handed you some water with a nod, letting you continue.

"She just.." You took a sip of the water as your throat began feeling parched. "She could've told me sooner."

"I can't do this. I still love Takemichi."

"I mean, out of all days. She chose the one which was supposed to be our wedding."

"How can you? He left you years ago, Hinata!"

"I still don't get how she can love another man from the past."

The bartender winced, "Maybe it was a first love type of thing but still doesn't make it okay." A man beside you chuckles, "Of course it doesn't."

"I mean, it was his wedding day for christ sake. She could've at least had the decency to tell him as soon as she started feeling something for another fella."

"How long have you felt this way?"

You groan as you hid your face in your hands, "I should have noticed though. I should've realized that she was drifting away from me."

"The week after you proposed.."

"Love makes you as blind as a bat. So, don't beat yourself up for not noticing the signs."

"So, this is it then? After all this time.."


"No! No.. Don't apologize. A simple sorry isn't gonna cut it this time, sweetheart. Today was supposed to be our wedding. I just can't.."

"I just can't compete with him."


Author's Note: This takes place in the future before Takemichi ever went back in time.

I don't want to be here (Tokyo Revengers x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now