Chapter 3 - End Of A Beginning

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I added the song cuz I felt like it. You don't have to listen to it, but don't ask questions and just enjoy the story.

Eugene's POV

I wanted him more than I could imagine, but I knew my dream would never come true. Things would become more difficult - and I don't think I'd be able to deal with that.

One second was playing fortnight with Ned and the next thing I know, I was admiring his plump, peach lips and the rosy tint airbrushed across his puffy cheeks. Now I was holding the guy I love captivated in a passionate, thirsty kiss.

My brain was telling me to stop, that this is wrong, but I didn't listen. I was fully focused on the boy who gripped my hair with his veiny hands. I grinded against Ned, my arousal growing bigger. It took my entire free will not to undress him right on the spot.

His strong hands held a firm grip under my jaw, choking me slightly. He used his other hand to prop himself up against my bed, giving me the chance to push my body even closer to his. I could feel the strong outline of his abs through his thin black shirt as he rubbed against me.

My hands travelled up the back of his neck to slightly tug at his hair. It slipped through my fingers like silk, leaving an empty feeling behind.

I gasped lightly when Ned's hand tightened around my neck, allowing his tongue to slip deeper into my mouth.

Ned's POV

Our motions stopped abruptly when the sound of a door opening echoed throughout the house. I pushed Eugene off my lap, making him squeal in pain as his head hit the headboard. A horrifying, high-pitched noise filled the corridors - it could very well be the sound of a devil.



My head snapped towards Eugene - he looked... nervous? I awkwardly reached my hand out to touch his shoulder, "Uh...What's -uh- up ?" My voice was overflowing with uncertainty. He jumped back from my sudden touch.

"Well - uh - I - it's Jessica," he said.

"Right... Is that supposed to mean something?" I asked, still confused.

"She's my girlfriend."

The three words left his mouth in a blunt manner - then it hit me.

"JESSICA-FUCKING-KULIG IS YOUR GIRLFRIEND?" My eyes were wide with shock, not because of the fact that my best friend had a secret girlfriend I didn't know about, or about the fact that I unknowingly hooked up with my best friends girlfriend, but with the fact that he just cheated on her. WITH ME.

The door of Eugene's bedroom burst open, a hyper Jessica following through. Even from my position at the other side of the room, I could see that the ginger's face was caked with make-up.

"Hey daddy," she said. I was unsure what to think.

"Hi baby girl," a suggestive smirk quickly masking his previous look of horror.

I felt bile slowly rising to my mouth as I saw Eugene begin to grope Jessica's ass. I can't look at this. Not risking another second, I push myself off the far end of the bed and briskly walk out of the room. As I practically jog down the stairs, faint moans and groans sound through the house. I'm gonna be sick.

I roughly open the front door, smashing it shut behind me. I pull my phone out from my pocket, instantly calling my dad.

"What do you want?" a low and rough voice says.

"Can you pick me up dad?"

"I'm in the middle of a very important meeting right now. Call your brother."

The line ends abruptly, so I call my brother.

"Hey, Ares?"

"Ned? What do you want?"

"Can you pick me up? I asked dad, but he told me to call you."

"Ugh. Fine. I'll be there in a sec."


Only a minute passes before I hear the familiar sound of my brothers car coming closer. I see the metallic red Bentley Bacalar race down the road at an almost ridiculous speed. It stops right in front of me, Ares sitting inside of it.

"I hate this car," I state.

"I know," he replies smugly.

"And you should take those glasses off. You look stupid."

He turnes to me, lowering his Gucci sunglasses, and eyes me up and down.
"You could use some of that advice for yourself. What where you doing here anyways? Don't tell me you were at that dickhead's house again."

I instantly tense up at his words. I quickly regain my composure and answer his question, "We just... Hung out."

The car's engine revs.

"And his name is Eugene."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2023 ⏰

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