This is the End

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Night City.

A city full of opportunity and dreams. Where anyone can be anything and anyone they want.

But it was all a lie.

Night City was a city full of corruption and depression. Where gangs shot each other. Corpos stabbed each other in the back. Human lives were owned and treated like nothing.

The few good people that were there, weren't there for very long. After all, the city chews up people and spits them back out.

That was the case for V.

V was a man in his late twenties, with short blue hair and a braided beard and mustache. His eyes were cybernetic with his iris white and his sclera. Around his face were tattoos styled like cracks. There was a scar across his left eyebrow and cyberware across his cheeks and down his neck. He had a nose ring and piercings on his ears.

V was a man of many talents which were seen across Night City. Many people hired him for his talents such as stealing, sabotage, and murder.

He was considered a living legend across Night City, but that changed when he assaulted Arasaka Tower with the help of the Aldecaldos. A nomad group that was stationed outside the city border.

Afterwards, V left Night City with Aldecaldos and his girlfriend, Panam Palmer.


V coughed as he spat out blood into the dirt. He looked back up at the mirror to see blood staining his lips. He panted as he wiped the blood away and stepped away from the mirror.

His room was a small tent with a bed made for two and a wire with hanging clothes. He looked at his bed to see Panam waking up, looking up at V.

"Morning, Panam." V smiled as he sat down at the edge of the bed.

"Hey V." Panam said back, sitting up and kissing his lips gently. V kissed back before she asked, "You coughed up more blood, didn't you?"

V nodded gently, "Yeah. I'm not… doing too good."

Panam frowned as she moved to be on her knees as she placed a hand on his cheek to make him look at her. "V, you better not be thinking of giving up. Not when we're this close."

V shook his head as he placed his hand over hers. "I'm not. I'm just… I'm scared."

Panam nodded "I am too, V. But we're going to do everything we can to get that chip out of you. You understand me?"

V allowed himself a smile before kissing her lips once more, to which she gladly kissed back.

Before they could do more, their tent was opened by Mitch, a man with balding black hair and a left black prosthetic arm. "Hey love birds! We got biz to take care of!"

V groaned "Goddamn it, Mitch."

"Hey, these tents aren't exactly soundproof, you know that." Mitch replied with a smirk as he crossed his arms.

"Fuck you, Mitch." Panam said.

"No need, you've got V for that."

The duo groaned while Mitch laughed. "Come on, we're almost near." He walked away, leaving them alone. V looked back at Panam. "Well, perhaps next time we'll find a good spot to continue."

"I will hold you to that." Panam pressed a finger against his chest before they got up from the bed and got dressed.

The two walked out of the tent to see everyone packing up and breaking down their tents.

Panam looked at V and asked, "Why don't you get our tent down and put it into the truck while I take a look at our sense of direction?"

V nodded and went back in to start packing their clothes and materials. He started to think about his life before becoming a Nomad.

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