Baelor II Targaryen

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Baelor Targaryen is the last son of the mad king that was killed in the sack of king's landing.

He has been over the narrow sea growing his power and his army to claim his right of the throne. Baelor wants to right the wrongs of his father. Baelor is not a full Targaryen, he is only half of one.

His mother was the second wife to the mad king. A lady of the house of Tyrell. Baelor was never supposed to get the crown but with certain events unfolded it came to Baelor.

He heard what happened with his cousin Margaery and her child. And he wants justice for that and get his kingdom back.

Baelor finally was ready for his attack and win his right back. Baelor docked in Dragonstone and began his moves to come in the near future. 


In the north Ethan Stark gotten word of the Targaryen that was in Dragonstone. Ethan was worried about it, he did not want another battle nor a war.

Ethan made his council making his younger brother Rickon master of coin on his council. Ethan ordered that he wants updates on the Targaryen that docked in Dragonstone. 


Ethan Stark -

So the Targaryen made it to Dragonstone. What need to do is to have updates on his moves and what he does next before he does it. Another war might be in the future for us all. 


Baelor -

Very good, very good. Now the main point that has to be addressed.

The Baratheons.

Knowing the "princess Mycrella Baratheon was married off to Dorne they would probably back her and her family if any moves were made. So we need to make an offer to them to have them on own side, but it won't work. I know how Dorne works. 

The other good thing is that half of the Lannisters are wiped out, knowing that there are only two left. Tyrion Lannister the lord of Casterly Rock and his sister Lady Eleanor. Knowing that Tyrion has a wife, Sansa Stark, a lady of the North that is also a princess due to her brother. I know a few things about the North, and some about the house Stark. Just wished I met the late Eddard Stark. It would have been nice to have a man that still hold honor before anything else. 

What about my niece and nephew? Are they still in the North? 


King Damon Baratheon was working away in the capital. And being a father to his children.

" When I heard about the Targaryen being in Dragonstone, I know what he wants and I know that I stand in the way of it. Not just me but my wife, sister. I won't lie I am nervous what will happen next. After being married to Emma, my wife could not get pregnant, she had many miscarriages. It broke my wife and I can not keep putting her though that type of pain. So most likely the kingdom will go to Tommen if I am to die and I am okay with that, I know he will do well if anything happens. Having a strong feeling that will happen sooner than later. 

So I am making preparations for Tommen and my wife, making sure that she can go back to her home when and if the time gets near.  I want them to have everything and anything after I am gone, which is just a long wait to see what " he " has planned.  Standing outside watching the water having this gut feeling of dread coming my way. 


Baelor Targaryen - 

Hearing the ships are ready and all of my men are ready for the fight that was coming near. I sent out letters to all houses before getting on one of the ships, making my way home. 

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