Ch.1 -Alone-

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      I used to laugh, cry, and play with other people until now. And before I knew it, I was alone, here in the dense mist. My life had drastically changed in a mere three days. Thinking about it, I couldn't help but cry. Within those three days, I couldn't let out the held-back emotions until now-it had all stacked up until the dam had finally broken. Standing there alone, I cried my heart out.

     Mom, dad, grandpa, grandma, big brother, and even my little sister-I thought to myself as more tears fell; they're all gone! My whole family-within those few days!

     Three days ago, our home received many visitors that seemed to be from a government of sorts or something similar. And my family-especially my dad and grandpa kept turning them away. When we thought they'd finally leave us alone, they suddenly came back with a vengeance, and it wasn't an hour or two later. They came back with a small army donned with strange weapons and armor, leaving us with little choice but to leave. I don't know why they kept chasing us, killing us off with no remorse, but now I'm the only one left. Alone in this mist.

     Now that I think about it, we've had similar visitors before, and they had come once or twice a month for something, but my family kept refusing, turning them down. I had asked dad and grandpa what they wanted, but the responses I got from them were that it's nothing important-or that I'm a bit young to know and that it's grown-up stuff. They did their best to keep me out of it. Now that this is how it all ended, I couldn't help but wonder what was so important: for them to kill us all in the end? Is it because they didn't get what they wanted? Were they that greedy and selfish?

     My home by the lake that I had lived in with my entire family, I doubt that it still exists. Even if it does, it's probably greatly damaged or seized; they're probably: staking it out in case someone comes back-me. If they had wanted the house, they would've stopped when we got chased off the property, but they didn't. They kept chasing us until--

     I shook my head to snap the thoughts out-to not-finish it. I didn't want to, but I couldn't help it; I suddenly began crying louder and harder-sniffling and hiccuping at my helplessness as if it had hit me like a ton of bricks. Even my head is pounding with a bad headache. My heart feels so heavy and crushed-and I'm aware that my scratched-up body wanted to drop right here and now. Stopping here to rest for a bit wouldn't hurt: right? I mean, it's not like they can find me in this thick and dense mist, and it's not like I can navigate like this.

     "..." Without much thought, I glanced down at what I could see and noticed small wet pebbles-lots of them around me. I even noticed the quiet sound of gentle waves nearby. And once I quieted down, becoming calmer, I saw the lake's sandy and muddy coastline covered in countless weathered pebbles and other rocks and boulders-everything soaked as if it had recently rained. The mist didn't help with that with its moisture.

     Lost and alone, what can I do? The only thing I can do is wait it out until the mist-no fog clears. But then, I could use the fog's lack of visibility to my advantage and move to a safer spot. But then again, it's too risky to move when I can barely see anything, and I'm lucky enough to see what I can just before my feet; I should have noticed before the mist became too thick: resulting in it becoming fog.

     But I was so caught up with my thoughts that I didn't even notice it! No, that shouldn't be a good excuse. I'm lucky to be alive right now, considering what happened to the others: if I can even consider myself lucky.

     I nervously glanced around, looking for a way to safely venture forward, when I noticed that the only sound I could hear-is myself and the lake and maybe even the wind. I gulped; why are there no sounds of any animals? Combine that with this overly thick mist-it makes things eerily creepy. Almost unnaturally so, which is funny considering nature can make natural scenes like this now and then(like right now). As for daylight? There's barely any to the point it feels as though it's closer to nighttime. That's how thick the fog is.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2022 ⏰

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