Staying Alive ~ based off the Reichenbach Fall

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JM : Traps are made to be escaped
Where's the fun if not?
But there are some so complicated
There's nothing to do but give up
This is one of those complicated ones
Just a bit, not a lot
Let's see how you can solve this one
Will your wits be enough?

JW : Something is about to happen
That look I've seen before
Mind wandering in haste, thoughts to trace, it's a race
Through troubled eyes on a stoic face

MH : I'm scared, my heart fluttering, skipping beats
Even though I'm not the one
Walking into the Devil's embrace
Willingly, alone
I don't know what will happen
Fear is chasing me down
I am drowning
I am suffocating
I am overwhelmed
And secretly contemplating
The fact of you anticipating
To defeat this man on your own

SH : No one but two would stand by my side
One overlooked, and one with loyal pride
Even though my life is now a lie
The truth they remember and remind me time after time
But now that will change
I am sorry my friend
Our bonds are too strong
They have been so all along
The ropes that tie us together
Must fall apart
There is no gentler way
To sever our bonds

JM : Finally he arrives
I knew he would
There's no way he can deny
The curiosity inside
This is my game
I am king
I am commander
I will win

SH : To him we're all puppets
He is the master
Jolting and jerking strings
Winding and whirling legs
Twisting and turning arms
'Till he's bored again
What to do with old worn-out puppets?
He would certainly throw them away
Dance the life out of them
Then let them fall in the trash
Unless one can outwit his repetitive ways

JM : "Now to confront the final problem
Can you make a guess what it is?
For us two it is simply staying alive
There is nothing more boring than a normal life
I know your little metaphor
Life into a fairy tale
So you must know what you're here for
It's time to let you fall."

SH : "So, this is your plan
You want me to fall
But what makes you think
I would do so at all?
I was once in this position
I could simply walk away
But it was curiosity
That stopped me from straying."

JM : "You think it is the same?
Most certainly not
You see, this one's fun
There's no where to run
You plummet and die, then your friends stay alive
If you don't and you live, you may want to say goodbye
Would you want them to exist without you by their side?
It'll bring them all grief
And guilt to fight
Or maybe you carry on, with no one to care
Being called a fraud and a fake
Life in shreds drifting through the air."

SH : "There is one mistake that you have made
And that is that you are you
You are the one who gives the word
The signal to pull the trigger and shoot
If that doesn't happen
My friends are safe
I don't have to jump
I can stay awake"

JM : "That is clever my friend
But I want you dead
I want you to fall
To smash your head"

SH : He took his gun and pulled the trigger
So now I would have to reconsider
I am truly trapped now
At least that is what they will believe
I step up to the edge
My friends, I am truly sorry
My dearest friend, I know you see my face
I hear you below screaming my name
You know what I'll do
Yet why it's insane
Just trust me now
It is for your own sake
I feel the tears
Stream down your cheeks
And for the first time, down mine
For you have to witness such a scene
I take my last breath and let go
For falling is like flying
Except, there's a more permanent destination
Down below
You scream my name
But it's caught in the breeze
I will see you again

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