The Midnight Train

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Somewhere in the world, the Midnight Train clickety-clacked, rumbling and chugging. Some say only a few can see them...

"Bye," I grinned and waved at Mom and the twins. Mom gave me a weary smile; the twins, Lydie and Lana, shrieked and shook their bottoms at me, making their glittery butterfly wings droop- again. Seriously. I would consider bringing them to the Institute of Mental Health for treatment if they were not my siblings. As Mom adjusted Lydie's drooping "wings", I closed the door, locked it, and let out a huge sigh of relief. Whew. Finally some peace and quiet while Lydie and Lana were out for trick-or-treating with their glittery butterfly costumes.

I switched off all the lights and turned on the TV, jumping onto the couch at the same time. "Hmm... What should I watch today..." I mumbled to myself. Yes! I should watch the newly released "Midnight Train"! I settled down, eyes wide, not wanting to miss a single moment.Chugga chugga... The sound of an approaching train became louder. It did not seem to be coming from the television. I switched off the television, keeping as quiet as I could. There was no train station near my home; in fact, the nearest train station was miles away! The ridiculousness of a train being near my home dawned on me. I scoffed and made a move to turn on the TV again, however, no matter how hard I jabbed at the buttons, nothing happened.

A loud chiming ring echoed- the doorbell! It had only been half an hour- how could the twins be done with trick-or-treating already? I frowned. I specifically told Mom to bring them out for at least an hour!

I went to the door, my feet coming into contact with the cold floor. Brrr... It was chilly. When I placed my hand on the doorknob, I realised it was cold to the touch. Finally, I threw the door open.

"Come on! Why..." I started, but was hit by cold air. My eyes fought against the wind, squinting and trying my very best to make out the silhouettes of two tiny human butterflies and Mom. Nope. I could only see... a train?

It was ebony black, with some gold parts on it. I blinked. A tiny dwarf was stepping out from the humongous train.

"Hello, fellow being! You have been invited onto the Midnight Train!" he squeaked out, scratching his beard at the same time.

When I asked him why, he laughed, throwing his head back.

"Well, you have expressed hate towards your siblings. The Midnight Train is here to take you away from them. On the train, you'll find many others who despise their siblings as well,"I shook my head fiercely. I hated my siblings, but wasn't that normal? I trudged back towards the house, but met resistance with a mysterious force. My legs felt like they had been turned into hardened clay and I could not move them. Suddenly, I felt my legs moving toward the entrance of the train.

"No!" I cried, putting in huge effort to try to move my legs, but to no avail. I was sucked into the train, and off the Midnight Train went.In the darkness, as I was zooming through the dark night sky, I saw Lydie, Lana, and Mom, walk back home happily, with tired expressions on their faces. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I was whisked away into the unknown.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2022 ⏰

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