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LANA SAT at the kitchen table. The two Romanoff sisters were back in Russia, although Natasha was leaving in a few days for Sweden. She stared at the envelope in front of her in anticipation.

Natasha entered the room staring at her sister, "Are you going to open it?"

Lana was silent for a moment. A million and one thoughts were flying through her brain, so quickly she could barely grasp her worries.

"I should," she finally replied.

"But you're scared," Natasha stated. She knew her sister well enough to recognize the nerves on her face.

Lana whipped proud to face her, "Yes I'm scared. Of course, I'm scared. It's been months. What if he hates me?"

"Steve loves you. This is weird to say but he does. So he won't hate you. Just call him," Natasha replied walking away.

Lana stared at it for a moment before ripping it open. She pulled out the small burner phone. She flipped it open and looked at the unknown number.

Dialling it she waited in anticipation.

It clicked on and Steve's voice came through, "Lana?"

"Hi, Steven."

"It's good to hear your voice," he said.

Lana chuckled, "Yeah. I miss you, where are you?"

"I'll send you the coordinates. Are you gonna come?"

Lana smiled to herself.

"I'll be on the first flight over."

A/ N

Hello, lovelies. The second book of Nightshade has been published and can be found on my profile as The Dark Phoenix. Please continue to give comments and share your ideas about what could possibly happen in the next book.

Thank you all for so much support on this book and I hope to see you in the next one.


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