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He then tries to go to sleep but hears a footstep outside in his yard. Adam doesn't think much about it, and goes to his bedroom to sleep anyways. Hours later, at exactly 12.00 P.M, he sees a man at his neighbour's yard peeking through his window. Adam slapped his face but when he opened his eyes again the man wasn't there anymore. Adam tries to sleep again, but can't due to the fact that he just saw a man peeking through his window. He tries to tell himself "This is just an imagination adam, don't think much about it" he has already said that to himself more than 23 times. Adam couldn't take it anymore so he went outside to check it out. He saw nothing but he heard a whisper "Is this boy alone?" behind the tree Adam gets very scared and runs to lock all his doors and windows. By the time he was done locking the last window in his bedroom, he already saw the man smiling looking through his bedroom window holding a crowbar. Adam tries to call 911 but realizes by the time they get here, he'd probably already be dead.

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