New home

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As u walked in the smell of pizza and sweaty children hit ur nose as u tried to get in the lights blinded u as u were not used to lights like this,

All the glamrocks had went to they're rooms so as any wolf would do u looked at ur new surroundings and even explored but of course like any place there was always atleast one karen and she wasn't happy as she was mad her son couldn't see the animatronics and she was ofc homophobic and hated fury's and as u were a shape shifter u had only changed have way meaning ur wolf ears and tail were out,

Karen: I WANT TO SPEAK TO UR MANAGER!!, she had yelled loud enough to hurt y/n's ears so it made them flinch that's when the karen seen u so she went to u cuz she thought u worked here karen:I will get this place sued if I can't speak to ur manager u hear me
Y/n:I don't work hear but please keep ur voice down my ears are sensitive and ur yelling is hurting me

This only angered her more


As this got people to come over to watch the drama but this also angered u so u were trying to keep urself calm but that's when Karen had hit u right in the nose

Y/n: w-what was that for
U said while rubbing ur nose that's when u seen the blood

Worker:I'm getting security this is not acceptable
as security brought her to the managers room that's when the one and only glam rock band came in

Roxy:what is all this yelling f-
She ran to u picking u up will taking u to first aid and Freddy did follow behind u guys

       Time skip(ik boring but like I can do this)

Y/n was just looking around at gator golf

(This is a cliff hanger )
Thank u for ever is reading this ik I don't Write all the time but I will write but thank u so much for reading this as I never thought I would write soemthing and people would read it but I will be writing a little more sooner if I feel like it but have a good day/night and if u want give me ideas for the next page and ya cya :]

Shape shifter Y/N x Monty Where stories live. Discover now