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"The Truth ft. Lady Gryffindor-Peverell "

 Lady Gryffindor-Peverell "

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The sound of heels clicking against the floor interrupted the current Lord Black and Heir Lefay from their hushed conversation as they simultaneously turned towards the staircase from where their sister calmly walked with all the grace of a swan, her back straight and head held high as one of her dainty hands lightly gripped the banister while her other one held the front part her gown up, making sure she doesn't trip, a rare soft smile gracing her lips as her stirling eyes met their adoring and awe-filled expressions, a bell-like laugh escaping her mouth as she playfully rolled her eyes yet still happily obliged when Caelum held up his hand for their habitual elaborate handshake with 19 actions and as usual ended with him jumping in her arms, despite that, she barely staggered back even while wearing a dress, being more than accustomed to it.

"why can't we have this?" Travis questioned Connor at the same time as Fred whispered it to George.

"Because you aren't Black/LeFay" responded their respective siblings

Carefully placing him down while she ruffled his hair, giggling mirthfully at his loud protests, she dodged the ring-clad hands that went to return the favor towards her own hair. Gracefully, she walked into her older brother's arms from where he stood near the end of the staircase, his stirling liquid mercury eyes gazing at the two of them with fond exasperation even tho his lips tilted up in a faint smile at the sound of his siblings' laughter, she sighed in content as his arms enveloped her securely, her head laying on his chest as his own rested on top of her's, the sound of his steady heartbeat calming her down, the nervous butterflies that fluttered in her stomach all night disappearing as the familiar scent of his shumukh cologne with a lingering hint of aftershave and old books reached her senses, all the doubts, and second thoughts leaving her mind as she finally felt at peace after the weeks of separation from her elder brother, knowing nothing would happen to her as long as he was near.

"You know, you don't have to do this if you don't want to, right?" he affirmed, deep voice soothing like the sea on a calm day as his own ring-adorn hand reached up to cradle the back of her head, being precautionary to not ruin her delicate hairdo.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2023 ⏰

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