Chapter 3

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Zero_chi talking here,
If you don't like it, I don't care so go fuck yourselves. (\'∀')
Warnings: cussing, flirting, +18 content, mature, and more stuff.
By the way I got inspired by a colab that mysta made with shoto. The link will be at the end if you want to see.
For those who are still reading this shit, I highly advise you to get some popcorns and drinks cuz this  shitty story is about to start 🍿🥤🧃

Mysta .p.o.v.

"Mysta...Mystaa, MysTAaAaaaaaaaa hElp me im gOnNa dieEeEeee MyStAaaaAaaAAaaaAAAAA heLp mEeeeEee"shouted shoto.
"Alright alright I'll help you but i want something in return." I replied to shoto as i moved my character to help shoto out. "Whatever asshole just help to get out of here" said shoto.
Me and shoto were making a collab while playing "Supper bunny man" but i wanted to spice up the things so i asked his chat to spam him so that he would put his doggie ears and tail, but as he put his tail and ears on his pc crushed and we had to stop the live.

—-On the last chapter——

Ike .p.o.v.

OMG what were they doing?? But i have to admit that was hot but now i must clear my mind and focus on how to help shoto to get them to duck him the next time and maybe who knows if he can help me to get Luca... now lets do what i got to do here...
I started reading a new book and when I finished i went to sleep bcs i was tiered and I didn't wanted to sleep on the floor.

—-on the next day——

Vox .p.o.v.

I woke up at 6 .a.m. and i saw the cutest thing in my entire demon lifetime- shoto's asleep face on me with his ass up and I saw that mysta was awake and was staring at shoto too, so I calmly said "did you know that morning sex is the best one?"(sryy i just really imagined him saying this and I wanted to put it in here:) "actually that'd be good but my baby"-"our""okook sryy but let's go to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for our baby before he wakes up then we can eat him if he so desire's "said mysta while liking his lips. "That's actually a good idea""wdym by actually good idea? uh? My ideas are perfect you stupid demon"said Mysta with his annoying but still cute voice tune "all right, all right you win" i answer with a mocking voice.

Mysta .p.o.v.

Me and vox were heading to the kitchen until..
'I think that I'm forgetting about something.... Let me .... Ohh shit I forgot about the egg... no no no nooo im screwed. I gotta ask Ike were he placed it.
"Hey Vox I'll be right back. There's something that I need to check ok?" I said to him with a hurry expression. "Ok just make sure that you'll be there when puppy wakes up kay?" "Yea sure I'll be there" after that i just sprinted to Ike's room and he wasn't there so I sprinted back to the kitchen but stopped halfway bcs i was tiered and accidentally found him on the living room. 'Thank god I found you'. "Hey Ike remember last night, where you told me that thing about the egg?" "Oh yea if you wanna know where it is, I putted it back in your room"said Ike without even looking at me due to the book that he was reading being more interesting than our awkward conversation . "thanks man by the way vox is making breakfast go get Luca so we can eat" i said "yeah sure I'll do that no problem"said ike getting up and going to Luca's room

Ike .p.o.v.

After my awkward conversation with Mysta i went upstairs to go to Luca's room. When i opened the door I didn't saw him so i went further and I found him sleeping so I got my phone and took many pictures of him before waking him up. "Hey darling the breakfast is ready." "Oh good morning for you too Ike, thanks for waking me up I'll be there in 5 min"he said with a sleepy face.

Luca's .p.o.v.

'What an amazing way to wake up..'
After his daily routine he went downstairs to the kitchen And ate breakfast alongside Ike. Vox and Mysta we're nowhere to be found


Vox .p.o.v.

After Mysta returned i had already finished breakfast and we were waking up our puppy.
But i had to leave bcs they were going to make a colab stream.

———-Time skip——-

Mysta .p.o.v.

It has already passed 5 hours since we started our stream...
Man I'm really in love with 2 idiots....

———Back to the present ————-

𝕤𝕥𝕚𝕝𝕝 Mysta .p.o.v.

"Mysta...Mystaa, MysTAaAaaaaaaaa hElp me im gOnNa dieEeEeee MyStAaaaAaaAAaaaAAAAA heLp mEeeeEee"shouted shoto.
"Alright alright I'll helpe you but i want something in return." I replied to shoto as i moved my character to help shoto out. "Whatever asshole just help to get out of here" said shoto.
Me and shoto were making a collab while playing "Supper bunny man" but i wanted to spice up the things so i asked his chat to spam him so that he would put his doggie ears and tail, but as he put his tail and ears on his pc crushed and we had to stop the live.
'Whyyyyy did that happened the stream.. we were doing soo good. Ima go check on him
to see if he needs help and not to ask him what he had promised me

Shoto's .p.o.v.

Ahhhhh whyy did this happen again... i gess that im not as lucky as I thought...

"Hey darling remember when we were streaming and you promised me to do anything if I helped you..." said mysta with a smirk on his face.
"Yea... i do remember it why?" I said playing innocent

....Meanwhile with vox......

-insert sneeze here- 'Why do i feel a cold in my stomach... it's just probably cuz I'm steaming a horror game... yeah just cuz of that ...'

....Returning to shoto room.....

Shoto's .p.o.v.

As he was done speaking i was pressed against the wall, then he cupped my chin and told me this   "I want you to be a nice dog and kiss your master"

To be continued

Zero_chi talking here,
Here's the link to Mysta's live that inspired me to make this chapter:
Hope you have a nice day, night or whatever.

PS: btw don't kill me for ending the chapter on the best part. ("▔□▔) (⌒-⌒; )

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