𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟔

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Whatever Aizawa was expecting, it wasn't this.

While his "danger sense" was tingling, he couldn't actually see what they were fighting. All he knew was Mika was dangerously overpowered, simply flicking his fingers to get rid of whatever was in the way. In some cases, Mika exerted a little more effort and ripped them apart.

At one point, he even laughed (it seemed like an inside joke?) and asked, "Why are you running?" before decimating what was probably a curse.

"That's it," Mika announced. "No more curses for now."

"For now?" Aizawa raised an eyebrow, skeptical.

"Curses gather where there are negative emotions like resentment, grief, anger, etcetera. Schools, hospitals, cemeteries, and the like are frequent curse gatherings," Mika explained briefly for the window. Aizawa nodded, his face softening with understanding. "They're bound to come back, but we've gotten rid of the present ones."

Megumi stood by Mika's side, hands in his pocket with a disinterested face. "If you sense a cursed object, please let a sorcerer know."

Aizawa dipped his head, understanding.

"I'll send in a report to Nezu," Aizawa sighed, rubbing his eyes. Mika noticed he carried eye drops on him and he used them every so often. "You're free to leave."

"Have a nice day," Mika chirped, waving goodbye. "Let's go get a late lunch."

The sun was a welcomed presence on his skin. Mika breathed in deeply, letting the rays warm his body. Megumi was scrolling through his phone so Mika took the liberty to wrap an arm around his, and drag him through the busy city.

"Megumi, let's check that bakery out," Mika exclaimed, leading him inside. He breathed in the sweet smell that radiated from the pastries on display. Megumi's lips twitched with a small smile; another thing the Gojo siblings had in common was their insatiable sweet tooth.

They looked around curiously. It wasn't strange to see someone with six arms hanging around or even one with a pair of furry ears sitting on their head.

Mika mused through the clear displays, picking out a few meat buns and assorted pastries. Megumi only picked up two savory buns and pulled out his wallet, but Mika stopped him.

"I still have Satoru's card," he grinned, flipping said man's credit card between his fingers. He snatched a breath mint from the little plate on the cashier's table, winking at the young teen behind the cash register.

Someone screamed.

Glass shattered and Mika instinctively grabbed Megumi to duck his head under the thick table. People were screaming and shouting, confusing his senses and Mika held onto Megumi to keep him grounded.

Too many people were moving, too many people were screaming. Mika clutched Megumi's arm, breathing slowly. "What's going on?"

Megumi leaned in close to whisper in his ear. "An explosion. I can't sense any cursed energy, so it just must be a villain."

Mika sighed. Lunch was going to turn into early dinner. Maybe they'd have a midnight meal later. Their schedule was screwed up anyways. What even was sleep?

"Everybody on the ground!"

Ah, what an iconic line. Mika and Megumi followed the gunmen's orders, tucked under the ground with his precious pastries in hand.

Someone fired a gun into the ceiling, effectively scaring whoever was still standing. Mika glanced at Megumi, not at all perturbed. "I thought things like these didn't happen anymore."

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