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Pawket; *stops* .. - *realizes the mom was watching*
Teegan; *freaking out one from the kiss and two her mom-*
Mom; so.. what was that?..
Pawket; I am so so sorry!-
Maz; *knocks out the mother with a metal pipe* ... *breatheing heavly*
Mom; *falls to the ground*
Teegan; - MOM!?
Depression; hey was- AWH-
Pawket; *staring at the mom* .... holy. shit.
Depression; what the hell... WHAT HAPPENED!?
Maz; *looks at depression*   *big eyed*  i dont know why I just did that.
Depression; - YOU!? HIT?! MY!? MOM!?
Maz; I dont know why.. im sorry.
Teegan; DONT JUST STAND THERE! *gentally pushes pawket* IS SHE BLEEDING!?
Maz; *moves out the way so depression can go look*
Depression; *runs over and drops to knees* .. *moves her hair to see* no.. but she might have *looks at maz* BRAIN DAMAGE.
Maz; *guilty* ..
Pawket; *moves and walks over to Maz so that Teegan can look too.*
Teegan; *kinda shakes her moms arm* MOM!?
Teegan;  *checks pulse* shes still alive-
Maz; I dont know why i just did that..
Pawket; eh. you just saved me a knuckle sandwich.
Maz; why?-
Pawket; no reason.
All; *looks at her*
Teegan; okay. what we can do is say that we had a metal rod tied to the roof to make a swing. and it fell on her when we call 9-1-1.
Depression; Thats hella smart- ANYBODY GOT ROPE!?
Teegan; theres some in my closet..
Pawket; *runs to her closet and grabs robe*  *runs back and hands to depression*
All; *go to living room with the body, the bar, and the rope.*
Maz; .. Ill make the call..
Depression; *mad at him* Do it then.
Maz; *calls*
???; 911 whats your emergancy?
Maz; *fast talking* My friends mom just got knocked out because we were trying to make a swing on the roof and it fell on her please send help!!
Depression; friend?.. hm.
???; Im sending people to your location, could you tell us where the blow was?
Maz; On the top of her head?.. Please be fast..
???; have you checked her pulse.
Maz; yes. shes still alive! PLEASE JUST HURRY UP!.
???: i have people heading to the scene now, could you tell me if shes bleeding or not?
Maz; Not on the outside..
???; here just stay on the line with me, how old are you?
** they continue talking **
Teegan; ... im scared....
Pawket; dont worry, she'll be fine.. *panicking herself*
Depression; *mumbling to self*
Teegan; ill talk to you about what happened earlier later.
Pawket; can we just fo-
*ambulance rush in and out her on the stretcher*
Everyone; *watching her head out*
???; we are going to need you to leave the scene..
All; *head outside*
Depression; you two stay at the house *points at Pawket and Teegan* Me and Maz.. will head to the hospital.
Teegan; okay..
Depression and Maz; *go and ask for a ride to the hospital*
Pawket; ... im sorry.. I caused all of this just for a stupid kiss...
Teegan; its not your fault!.. It was more so Maz's fault...
Pawket; ...
Teegan; *trys to lighten the mood* I mean either way we would be in a pickle.
Pawket; *small chuckle* .. yeah.
Teegan; I wasnt expecting that kiss though..
Pawket; that was the point.
Teegan; ...
Pawket; *blushes a little bit thinking about the kiss*
Teegan; *notices her blushing and blushes herself.*
Pawket; *sits on the ground.*
Teegan; eww. you're sitting on mud.
Pawket; and?
Teegan; Y- never mind. *crouches down next to her* .. do you think she'll be okay?
Pawket; Yep! she wasnt dead just a second ago! im sure she'll be fine.
Teegan; better hope so.. cause if not Maz has alot coming to him..
Pawket; oh dont worry! She'll be fine!
Teegan; we dont know that for sure...
Pawket; .. yeah, but I think she'll be fine..
Teegan; .. Im scared. *tears form in eyes*
Pawket; - *gets up*  ...
Teegan; * gets up too.*
Pawket; *hugs*
Teegan; * cant hold her tears anymore.*  *sobbing*
Pawket; *rubs her back* Shh... It'll be okay..


Depression; *sitting in the hospital.*
Maz; ..... *Beating himself up* (mentally.)
Depression; ... *looks at him* .. why did you do it?..
Maz; I dont.. k-know.
Depression; thats not a valid answer..
Maz; .. fine. want the truth. I knew something bad was going to happen to Pawket and Teegan so I stepped in because thats how my parents were like when i can out. I knocked them out because they beat me. I wasnt going to let that happen to someone else.
Depression; WH-  .. *breaths in* ... I guess i understand.. But my mom wouldn't have done that!
Maz; You never even came out to her! You dont know that...
Depression; yeah.. I just dont think she would...
Maz; ... *looks away.*
Depression; *opens mouth to talk but closes it and looks away*
Doctor; *walks over to them*
Both; *look at the doctor praying for good news*
Doctor; your mother is... Just fine!
Both; *relived sigh*
Doctor; she will just have to stay in the hospital for a few more days so that we can make sure she has a full recovery.
Depression; okay. thank you!
Doctor; No problem! do you want to see her?
Depression; *looks at Maz* .. maybe in a second,
Doctor; Okay! *walks away*
Maz; *a little less stressed out*   * looks down at feet.*   *gets up* You probably want some alone ti-
Depression; no.
Maz; ? what?
Depression; We need to talk..
Maz; .. *sits back down* .... yes?..
Depression; You know im not mad anymore? right?. I got an explanation.. now I know..
Maz; .. I.. do you still love me?..
Depression; YES! 1000x YES! I just.. got mad, and scared.. you know. you kinda hit my mother.
Maz; ...
Depression; *smirk* But shes fine now!
Maz; yeah... I guess..
Depression; *kiss*
Maz; *MuAh.* (idfk.)
Depression; *stops* I love you.
Maz; Love you too..
Depression; here I have to call my sister..


Pawket; *cheering Teegan up*
Teegan; *really loud sobbing*
Pawket; ... *squeezes to let her know that there is someone there* .. shh... Im here...
Teegan; *gets a phone call*
Pawket; - *Grabs the phone*   *picks up*  *lets go*
Teegan; *backs up*
Depression; Teegan?
Pawket; Teegans currently crying.. whats up?.
Depression; give her the phone.
Pawket; just tell me!
Depression; Moms okay. can you just hand it to her?
Pawket; *smiles*  *hands phone to teegan*
Teegan; *sniff* hello?
Depression; Moms okay!!
Teegan; - YASSSS
(this is depression heard because the audio was too loud. "YA -- --  S- S!")
Depression; *hangs up* we'll let Pawket deal with that.
Teegan; * jumping in joy*  *jumps on pawket (hugs agressively pretty much*)
Pawket; *gets knocked back and falls*  
Teegan; *falls with her* *happy tears rolls down her cheeks*
Pawket; *SO happy for her* im glad that shes okay!
Pawket; what?-
Teegan; YAA!! *kisses cheek over and over* MUAH MUAH MUAH EEEEE!!
Pawket; *blushing* well you seem to be really happy!
Pawket; Im glad you're happy *smile*
Teegan; * gets off of her and gets up*
Pawket; *gets up too*
Pawket; *wipes the tears off Teegan's face gentally.*
Pawket; *rubs Teegan's face gentally*
Teegan; *holds pawket's hand to her face*  *smiles*
Pawket; ... I love you.
Teegan; I love you too! *takes pawkets hand off her face still holding her hand though*
Pawket; no, i mean... This is going to sound super cringe.. but.. I dont know how i lived without you.. you are my world. I really love you.
Teegan; Dang, I feel the same way but you are in your feels right now-
Pawket; yeah. Thats the main reason why I kissed you- because I want you to know how much I love you.
Teegan; You're giving me really bad butterflys-
Pawket; Oh sorry-
Teegan; I now have an urge..
Pawket; to?
Teegan; *pulls collar and kisses*
Pawket; - *pulls her closer while holding her hips*
Teegan; *stops*
Pawket; ..
Both; *blushing*
Teegan; heh..
Pawket; *realizes that she was holding her hips.* oh- sorry uh- *lets go*
Teegan; uh yeah.. its fine! dont worry about it.
Both; *akward*
Teegan; .. that was.. nice, heh-
Pawket; Mhm...
Teegan; ...
Pawket; ...
Teegan; this is hella akward now- im sorry *covers face in hands*
Pawket; yeahh- but its not your fault. I just suck at making conversation-
Teegan; yeah.. you do. *removes hands and just smirks*
Pawket; ye- wait- HEY!!
Teegan; *burst out laughing*
Pawket; THATS NOT FUNNY DICKHEAD! *jokingly angry- yk.*
Teegan; *stops* ahhh that was funny.
Pawket; *snicker* no it wasnt.
Pawket; We should probably go see your mom. *changes subject*
Teegan; How are we going to get there?
Pawket; .... bike?
Teegan; Thats such a far bike!!
Pawket; sucks for you! *runs and grabs one of her mountain bikes*
Teegan; ugh. *grabs the other*

** They make their way to the hospital **


Depression; *chilling in the waiting room with Mr. Guilty.* (Maz)
Maz; ... *hating on himself.*
Depression; *Puts his head on Maz's shoulder*
Maz; ! *wasnt expecting that*

(just kidding. im just going to make a new chapter later.

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