TW:gore, self harm,

He would cut himself until there was no flesh left on his body to cut. It's an illusion to love yourself, and to hate yourself, but when I look the mirror. I don't feel love, or hate. I feel weird like I need to rip of my flesh and replace it with another "body" I want to be a different person. I want to cut myself open and rip out my organs and bones, my tissue and limbs, my lungs and eyes, and I want to rip out my brain. I don't want to cause havic to my body out of hate. But blind rage would be the reason. I am so angry at myself. Not for any reason. I just want to scream while I rip my lungs from my neck, and I want to tear out my spine, I want to cut up my body in to small pieces, so small you would have to squint your eyes to see them and I want to cut my brain in half and give one of the two pieces to you

         I want your eyes, I want your lungs. I want your legs and ears and organs and bones and flesh,and your kidney, and you lovely heart, and your breath. I want to breath the way you do. I don't want to be myself. I really want to be someone else. Anyone else.

I want to cut myself until I look like another. The "another" being you.

I really,really want a new body

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2022 ⏰

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