1: Jake and Lily

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It was almost summer, the sun is shining and the weather was starting to get hot.
I packed my things for the gym and sat in my car. Today was leg day, my favourite.
Recently I've reached my goal weight and I'm very proud of myself.
A few months ago I was the chubby Lily with a belly and chunky thighs. Nobody would dare to look at me and even tho I wasn't that uncomfortable, I tried loosing weight. And it worked.
I weighed around 170 pounds and now lost a good 50 pounds and I'm pretty proud of that. Even tho I love junk food I now eat healthy and I'm addicted to fruits and vegetables.

I walked into my local gym and directly went on the treadmill to run a few miles. I put in my air pods and turned on my favourite music artist The weeknd. God, I love his music.

I became pretty exhausted so I got of the treadmill and went to the abductor to do some sets there. As I began with my second set, I noticed a cute doing some pull ups. Damn, he was shredded as fuck. He kinda looked like Toji from Jujutsu Kaisen.
I only saw his back and I've got to tell you, wow.
This man could beat 3 men if he wanted.
I walked up to him and asked him if he could show me how to do pull ups.
„Ehm, hey, you look like you know what you're doing and so I wanted to ask you if you'd mind showing me how to do some pull ups?"
He turned around and the first thing I saw were his green eyes. He smiled and replied: „Yeah, of course. What exactly do you need help with?" He started to check me out from the bottom to the top. I started to blush.
„Um, so I have problems with pulling myself up. I always tried it, but somehow never managed to do more than 2 pull ups."
„That would be no problem to manage, I mean you have a pretty nice body and good arm muscles. I'm Jake by the way." he replied.
„Thank you, I'm Lily."

He started showing me the correct moves and how to  do the best pull ups. After 1 hour we were finished and decided to give each other our phone numbers.
He gave me some advice on what to eat to gain muscle and to achieve the body I want.

I got him and directly jumped under the shower.
I dried off my hair and dried it.
I put on my clothes and decided to check my phone.
It was a message from Jake!
„Hey, I think your pretty cool and I'm sure your hungry after going to the gym. I finished cooking lunch. Do you wanna visit me at my place? :)"
I jumped on my bed and now was kicking my feet like a little girl.
Of course, I could never let someone like you get away.
I thought to myself.
Not even one minute passed and I've already answered him; „I'd love to! Send me your address and I'd be there in the next 20 minutes. :D Lily xoxo"

I put on a cute outfit, a baggy jeans with a cute crop top and my new docs.
I got into my car and typed in the address and was able to be there within 15 minutes.
What I saw wasn't just a normal house, it was a huge building which looked really fancy.
I checked my phone again.
„My apartment is at floor 24."
Walking to the elevator made me more and more nervous.
„24" I said to myself

The elevator stopped and right next to it there was it.
It was a pretty white door, that looked pretty fancy.
I rang the bell and Jake received me with a nice smile on his face.
„Hi Lily! I'm glad it worked out, come in. You can just leave your shoes here."
„Thank you Jake. Thanks a lot for your invitation. What did you cook, if I may ask?"
„No need to be so curious, you'll see it in a few seconds. Nice outfit by the way, I love how the pants look on you." He turned around again and gazed at my outfit from my shoes up to my ponytail.
„Aww, thank you. You have a pretty nice apartment."
„No need to thank me and yes it's indeed very pretty. But first let me show you where we'll eat."
He lead me through a hallway with white walls and. a big mirror on the side. On the left was a bathroom and right after the hallway there was a kitchen connected to the living room. There was also a balcony with big windows and 2 grey chairs.

He showed me with both of his hands where I could sit and already put a big plate with a lid on the table in front of me.
The flatware he chose looked really fancy and nothing like the usual ones you'd see at your friends place.
The smell that came from the big plate had a unique but good smelling flavour.
He put some napkins on the table and sat right in front of me.
„So let me surprise you." He opened the pot and what I saw looked incredible.
What I saw where sweet potatoe fries and with cheese covered burgers that had some extra turkey on top of the patties.
„Don't worry. This is all full of protein and very healthy, So take as much as you want." Jake had a big smirk on his face, but it made me really excited.
„For drinking we have a protein shake, with lots of fruit and only a bit of sugar."
„Wow, this looks amazing! You did all of this? Incredible!!"
„Oh come on, I'm already blushing, it's nothing special." he answered.
„So feel free to start."
I took a burger with my hands and put 1 serving of potato fries on my plate. While I put some mayonnaise on my plate I noticed how Jake was closely watching me.
„Is something wrong?" I asked him.
„No, don't worry everything is fine. I'm just really exited for your opinion. You're the first one to try my special protein meal."
„Oh what a honor." I giggled.
I grabbed the burger and took a big bite.
Wow, omg
„That's the most amazing thing I've ever eaten."
Jake smiled, which made his shiny eyes nearly disappear.
„I'm glad you like it. So while we're enjoying our food, let's get to know each other. I think you're pretty beautiful and a very interesting person."
Overwhelmed by the compliments he made we started to get into a conversation.
The way he expressed himself really showed me that he is a really smart person.

While we chatted and I ate my burger, I noticed how my pants started getting tight.
Already? Augh, okay
I reached down with my hands and unbuttoned my
pants. My belly started making some sounds as if hadn't eaten in days, so I decided to take another burg and to drink more of the protein shake Jake made.
I really felt how my belly started to bloat up and stretch out.
Jake does not seem to have any problems, maybe it's just my body starting to relax.

When we finished dinner, I noticed that my belly felt really heavy and that I somehow still was hungry.
„And are you full?" Jake asked.
„If I'm being honest I'm not." he continued.
„Oh god, I thought it was just me, but I'm somewhat still very hungry. Do you have something else?"
„I'm glad to hear that, haha. Uhm yes let me look, I'm sure I have some low calorie Ben & jerrys left."
He stood up and went to his fridge to get 1 ben & jerry and a spoon.
„Thank you so much, you're a life saver Jake."
„You're welcome" He sat down again.
The ice cream tasted amazing, the way the cream slit down my throat made my belly really fall onto my thighs.
I completely unbuttoned my jeans and finished the ice cream.

After 2 hours of constant chatting I decided to say goodbye to Jake and to go home.
„Thank you again, the food was amazing.
I think imma take a nap after that haha."
„I'm glad to hear that, feel free to always come ti me if you want. You're a really great person Lily and I love talking with you." he said.
After I said Jake goodbye I got into my car and directly drove home.
„Oh damn, someone was hungry today." I rubbed my belly and pulled down my jeans.
„Much better." I let out a slight moan after freeing my belly and put on a cozy sweater and directly fell into bed.
I lifted my sweater a bit up and started rubbing my belly. I put on some lotion on my hand and now went over my belly a few times till it started to relax.
The last thing I thought about was Jack and how nice it would be if he was there to rub my belly and just like that I fell asleep.

The jacked dude and the chubby girl Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ