Chapter 14- The Mission

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"Then it's settled. We'll exchange once everyone is gone. At the broadcasting room. Don't fail this, Amane-kun." "I won't." And with that the three parted ways and head back to class. And now, Amane will began his mission, what will he do? Damn, I make it look like their spies huh, but I can't help it. Must be the anime spyxfamily I've been reading now but anyways, begin with the chapter!






Amane's Pov: 

I was walking in the hallways, looking for Kanzaki, to begin my mission and check if there are suspicious actions coming from her lately. I know I promised Yashiro to protect her but what could I do, I need it to prove her innocence. So with that I left her today. I knew she would be alone right now since Akira and the others don't trust her anymore, but it's for the best. And as I was saying, I was looking for Kanzaki but I guess I don't need to since she showed up in front of me. And I guess she was looking for me. So she can flirt with me. "Ne, ne, Amane-senpai, do you think I'm pretty?" I am disgusted by this. Sorry little girl, but I'm already taken so don't even try and flirt with me. And if I'm going to have a say in this, Akira is more cuter than you and everybody else in this world. No one could make me change my words. So I said, "I'm sorry, Kanzaki-san, but I'm already taken and you know that. So good bye." "Wait!" Kanzaki was stubborn, I can tell she felt extremely jealous of my girlfriend and I knew she would get rid of her which I cannot allow to, so I stayed, least hearing out what she had to say to me. "She doesn't have to know you know~ Also, why don't you ditch her, I'm more prettier than her~" Okay, that's the end of the line missy, you crossed it. I don't understand why she'd still go after me knowing I'm taken and... Doesn't she had Kou already? I'm so fricking tired of her, she's horrible than I thought she is. I made a smile, expressing anger on my face, and said to her "You don't know what taken means, do you?" I said it annoyed by the way, and Kanzaki hearing my words, she said, "But you're too good for her, you're out of her league, I'm more perfect for you you know!" And I wanna tell shut the fuck up because we just met for the first time in our lives. I said to her "And You're out of my league too, Kanzaki-san. You're not my type and Akira's the only person suitable for me so no matter what you do, I will never leave Akira. You got that?" Kanzaki gritted her teeth and clench her fists in anger, and with anger she told me "I'll never give up on you, just you wait! I'll make sure you'll be mine, all mine, this isn't over yet!" And with that, she left. Goodness grief, this brat. I hope she'll get expelled, I thought to myself. I sighed and realized that I need to follow her to complete my mission, I ran after her and search if she's still there; Of course, I try not to get myself noticed, so I decide to follow her and saw her at the old building, all alone in the hallways. What is she doing here? I wondered. I saw Kanzaki clenching her fists, and full of anger she punched the wall angrily. I could hear her mutter some curse, and saw her stomping her foot angrily many times saying "Why, Why, Why! Why that girl, what does she have that I don't!?" Good question, I said to myself. If I'm going to answer that question myself, I'd say she's kind like an angel and not a brat like her. She got irritated and honestly, this is not interesting for me to watch her tantrums, until I heard her motives. "Guess I have no choice, but to do the same thing to her as I did to that daikon once. And when my plan works, I'll have him all to myself, and Akira's no longer be reach to him, BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" I manage to record all of them with my phone, (Yashiro taught me how to use the phone and the apps) and manage to run away, not being caught by Kanzaki. And just in time, I manage to go to class, and take my lessons, successfully gathered information on Kanzaki. It's just a first step though, so I shouldn't celebrate for now,  all I have to do is send it to Nanamine-senpai and gather lot's of information and evidence. She said we will meet at the broadcasting room after school, so I waited until the right time. I also hang out with Akira and protected Yashiro from them, enjoying my life as a human, observing Yashiro to see if she's fine or not. And to my observartions, she's clearly fine, making me conclude that Akira is now the main target of Kanzaki Rui. I was aware of that, so I keep on eye on my girlfriend too, but I guess she's still busy plotting something to frame her. I couldn't let that happen so I spied on her, to see any suspicious acts. 

*After School*

All students went home including Kanzaki so it's fine, and head towards my brother's boundary the old broadcasting room where me and Nanamine-senpai and the others are going to meet. Also, to exchange information. I knocked on the door and the door opened slowly, revealing a gray eye in front of me, and the person spoke, "Are you Yugi Amane sir?" Bruh, it's obvious who it is but I just nodded and he let me in. "Come this way, Dwarf." It was Natsuhiko, Hyuuga Natsuhiko. I went into the room and there Nanamine-senpai is waiting for me and greeted, "Hello Amane-kun. Please take a seat." She said as she drunk a cup of tea so I guess I should take one and drink some tea. "Don't mind if I do." I said and took a cup of tea and drank it. "So...." Nanamine began. "Do you get any information about this Kanzaki girl Amane-kun?" I knew she would say that so I replied, "Hai. I heard her plotting to frame Akira-san like she did to Yashiro so I recorded it as proof." I hand her my phone, and she took it, hearing the record then place the phone in the table after hearing it and drank some tea. She then spoke, "Very well, this is enough to be claimed as evidence, how about the others?" "To my observations clear, Yashiro Nene is perfectly fine. Also I think Kanzaki is still busy to prepare things to frame Akira that her main target is not Yashiro Nene but Akira instead.  I spied on her, and it seems she has companions."-Amane. "And they are?"-Sakura. "Let me tell you." Natsuhiko spoke with a smile and went forward to tell us the information he gathered. "From what I've known, it's this girl with the same age as her, named Suzuki Yui, the daughter of the substitute wife of the CEO, Suzuki Yua. She has white hair and grey eyes, also she's perfectly shy and insecure, who was worked as a dog by her stepsister, Kanzaki Rui. She also had her style the same as Kanzaki, and from what I've known she's the woman who gathered materials for her sister, needed for bullying. So I guess she's the perfect client we need to expose her." "Very well, then Natsuhiko, try and get her trust, we need her as evidence." "Yes, My Lady." "And Amane-kun, since we have some information, it's time for the second phase of our plan." "Okay, which is?"-Amane. "Remember Akira?"-Sakura. " Yeah, she's my girlfriend. What about her?"-Amane "I want you to take her in our side, getting her trust on you. That way we can protect her from getting bullied by Kanzaki."-Sakura. "That's easy, I'm her boyfriend, so she can trust-" "It's not easy Amane-kun. She's on Kanzaki's side and it's not for long that she will be disposed by her. So you need to get her to believe you."-Sakura. "I'll try. But we gotta need some proof for that."-Amane. "You got the record right?" Sakura asked. "Yep, and I'm going to use it, especially the information we have on her."-Amane. "Good luck Amane-kun."  "I won't fail you." And with that, the meeting ended, and the second phase of their plan begins! Will Amane able to get Akira's trust and be on their side? Find out in the next chapter!

-End Of Chapter-

Sorry, Sorry, I got addicted in the new anime, SpyxFamily so since of my addict of spies, I made it like it in this story but how can I help it, it'll make it more exciting! Plus, it's necessary so.... yeah. I made it like it. Anyways, I hope you like it. Toodles!

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