Ooh, Minecraft- is someone breaking in 🧍

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The steady noise of a pickaxe mining stone filled Wisteria's room. She sat on her desk, eyes barely moving from the screen as she mined. It had been 20 minutes since she'd started, and she'd already gotten 37 diamonds (with her fortune pick, of course). The cave she'd found stretched on, seeming infinite. She'd nearly died three times due to creepers, got shot at by a dozen skeletons, and got jumpscared by three spiders, but she was still going strong.

That was, until she turned around and saw none of her torches she knew she'd placed. Great. Now Herobrine was on her server. Fun times for everyone, haha! A memory whispered at her consciousness, one of being 9 and spawning into her server with Anna and Nina sat all around, watching as she played. They'd found a random half dozen boats in a small pond, a random cave sound echoing as if the Minecraft Gods had decided to traumatize all three girls even further. Now, Wisteria was pretty sure it was just a glitch, but still.

She placed another torch down, looking around the dark expanse. Nothing. The faded sound of footsteps came from behind, and she turned around, expecting a mob-

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" A loud yell came from Wisteria's computer's speakers, having the quality of someone yelling into their mic with their face exactly 5 millimeters away. Zero's skin had appeared in front of her screen, almost exactly like a FNAF jumpscare. Wisteria almost threw her mouse across the room in fear, instead opting to slamming her left hand into the wall. She dimly remembered that the Proximity Chat mod had been added, and everyone had only just figured out how to place mods in their correct folders.

"What the actual fuck man???" She yelled into her own microphone, one of those on arms that cost surprisingly less than they looked like they did. The loud snickers of Zero came through again, obviously losing his shit on the other end.

"You'll be happy to hear my portfolio is done and dusted, and I sent it." He finally stated after a full two minutes of cackling. "I'll be receiving an answer in two weeks, and then it's hopefully off to college for me."

"Ah, finally, the artist can stop drawing ripped Stitch for five bucks."

"Tough talk for the girl who was given literally two years to find an aspiration and was so indecisive she went for a break year instead."

"That's different though-"

"Dude last time I heard you were drawing you said you'd been drawing Wilbur Soot T-posing over Tommyinnit."

"Shut the fuck up that's entirely different."

"Do I need to remind you of Drem."

"Nope, okay, you win."

"Nope you made me do this."

A ding came from Wisteria's Discord. She shuddered, dreading opening it. But Zero wouldn't stop annoying her if she didn't, so she clicked on the Google widget.

Immediately the dreaded drawing came into view: it was actually a pretty good one, depicting a very blurry staircase with Tommy running down chased by a floating Dream blob T-posing. Wisteria immediately closed it, and ran off, towards the looong staircase up to the surface.

She made it to just about halfway up the stairs before she heard the very ominous sound of someone drinking behind her. She turned for a split second, and saw the most terrifying, FNAF-worthy thing ever.

Zero was zooming along behind her, obviously using a speed potion. His chuckle came over the speakers, earrape effect added to it for extra 'oomph'. Needless to say, Wisteria immediately turned back and continued running. Why was she so afraid?

Zero just happened to possess the most powerful weapon in the server: the 'Skinny Penis', a netherite sword with Mending and Knockback and Smite 100. It had been spawned in when Strawlo's sister had logged in using her account and started screwing around randomly. Zero had obtained it when he'd brutally murdered Strawlo's sister. And, since then, he had an iron grip on the server.

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