If you are on an app:

10 3 0

Open the app

If you aren't already signed in, then sign in

The fourth button from the house button is the writing button (the one that looks like a pencil)

Click on that then click create a new story.

First type in the title

Next, add the description

Add category

Add at least ten tags

Change target audience

Make sure language and copyright are correct.

If it is mature content, make sure it is marked Mature. If you aren't sure clicks on the guidelines.

Making a cover isn't required, but you get 23x more reads than one without. I use Canva.

After that is finished press Skip (don't freak out when it says that it didn't save it did save.)

You will be redirected to the first chapter.

First, change the chapter name, then start writing.

Before you are able to push publish you have to agree that whatever you just wrote is your original writing and if not, you have permission.

I hope that helped!

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