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Monday, 23rd July, unknown year

Stain watched the tv. Apparently, a guy named Andrew was on the run for a series of murders of what he deemed 'fake' heroes. "Hmm. I may have an admirer on my hands, im glad somebody else is realising how corrupt this society has become." Stain whispered to himself.

Thursday, 26th July, unknown year

Stain was out for another kill, a hero named 'super balls'. He arrived in the city where the so called 'hero' operated.
He sat on one of the buildings, waiting for a moment to strike. He found it. The 'hero' entered an alleyway, stain rushed to 'greet' him. When he got there, he saw him. The guy on the news. He was far more attractive in person. His white, flowy locks with black streaks.       
His orange eyes. His very, sexy body. Stain froze as he watched this man take his kill. Beheading the 'hero' with one swing of his machete. He wasn't mad. He stood there not in shock, but in awe. "You must be Chizome Akaguro, yes?" Andrew's orange eyes gleamed in curiosity, donning a very inquisitive facial expression. This man was cute for a killer.


This was fun to write.
I couldn't think of a hero name so i just wrote super balls lolz.

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