Chapter 1

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Stiles ran to the Nematon, his head bleeding from the car crash. His vision going in and out of focus, no doubt he had a concussion and probably worse, but he had to get to his dad.

Issac was holding Allison back so he couldn't stop Stiles from sliding into the caved-in ground.

"Dad! Where are you!"

"Stiles! Over here!" He heard his father's voice and moved to it as quickly as possible.

Looking around he saw a pile of rubble with a hand coming out from underneath it. Argent.

Finally, he saw his father and Melissa, but Melissa was already covered in dust in blood, with a broken beam on her leg. She was unconscious. Blood coming from a cut on her head. Stiles moved over to her and felt her pulse. There wasn't one.

He gasped as if punched in the gut before his father's voice snapped him out of it.

"Stiles, it's ok. You have to leave or you'll die too, if you live this will have been worth it."

"She's de-dead, I can't leave you to! I won't abandon you!" He screamed back, the storm would not ruin his last moments with his dad.

Stiles' dad was stuck under a beam that he couldn't lift. He pulled his dad into a hug. He was letting out sobs. He couldn't breathe.

"What am I supposed to do without you?" He choked out. His dad smiled at him, though it looked gruesome thanks to the blood. Stiles didn't care.

"You'll find a way. You always have and you always will. It's who you are." His dad let out a pained sound and Stiles knew his time with his father was ending rapidly. He steadied his breathing, he didn't want to be hyperventilating during his last moments.

"I love you, dad, say hi to mom for me?" He said, letting out a pained smile. Even though it wasn't his best he didn't want the last thing his father saw was him sobbing. But tears still fell.

"Will do son, now please go. And I expect to be seeing you in 50, 60, or even 70 years. Any earlier than that and you'll be grounded for the rest of your afterlife." Stiles nodded as his father laughed in the face of death. Smiling once more before Issac pulled him out.

Then the ground finished caving in. Stiles looked to Issac. With a pleading look, asking if there were any heartbeats. Issac shook his head...


Stiles felt his world break. He fell down a pit. And he had no want or need to climb back out.

But he did know that if he ever came back out, he would end her. End Jennifer. After all, revenge was a dish best served cold, and he wanted it iced.

3 months later

Stiles 3rd POV

There was a noise, it was consistent and insanely annoying. As he focussed on it more and more it got louder and louder. Until he could hear more than that.

"His heartbeat is picking up. Do you think he's coming out of it?" The voice was someone he knew.

"Scott, this is the 5th time this has happened. If he doesn't come out of it this time, chances are he won't."

Scott, that's who the voice was, Scott. His best friend.

"Come on Stiles. You can do it... Please, we need you."

Stiles heard what the other man had said. And he thought about what his father had said.

He needed to wake up. At least for his dad.

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