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Lilacs pov:

I felt alive. I felt everything. I slowly tried to open my eyes to see if they worked. AND THEY DID I blinked a couple times to adjust to the light in the room and I saw Ethan sleeping peacefully on the chair next to my bed, I could see the eye bags under his eyes. He obviously hasn't been home and gotten sleep in days. He looked exhausted. His skin seemed so dead. He looked like a living zombie. I could see the stress and worry written all over his face even in is sleep. Sam was curled up on the couch almost looking exactly like Ethan. The exhaustion worse on his face. He looked as if he hasn't slept in days. The painful expression of worry, exhaustion, stress and for some reason guilt. There were 2 other men in the room. One of the men were from the store. He also had eye bags under his eyes. He had a guilty look written all over his face, almost clear as day. He was right next to same but on the opposite side. His head rested back on the wall in a very uncomfortable looking way. He had the same facial structure as Ethan just he looked older by a couple years. He had the same hair color as me and Ethan just a bit lighter. He man next to him looked identical to him. I assumed they must be twins. He just looks a bit shorter. I could tell this guy wasn't the other one from the store. 

I have no idea why I was in the hospital. The last thing I Rember was the feeling of survival that I remember all too well. I remember feeling the wind blowing in my hair as I ran through the woods. I remember feeling the woods underneath my feet. Then everything went blank. I was trapped in body. I remember being able to feel and hear but nothing more. I don't plan on telling anyone I heard what they said. I figured out I was in the hospital after hearing everyone talk and hearing the heart monitor while I was trapped in my body. 

After just sitting for a few minutes, I started to check over my body. To see if I had any damage. I also made a note to myself to ask Ethan what happened. I hardly remember anything from that day. I have no idea how long I have been out either. 

As I started to look over my body, I didn't see any scratches or bruises. Which was weird because I remember I still had bruises from him and from the accident. 

I started to panic. 

What of Ethan saw them all? What if Sam saw them?

I felt my heart rate picking up. i could also tell because the machine was going crazy. I felt the walls closing in. I started to panic more and more. My lungs screaming for air. I just couldn't receive any. Everything started to move. Hearing the heart rate monitoring beeping intensely fast only made me freak out more.

I felt a pair of hands on my shoulders. I tried to figure out who it was, but I couldn't see through the ocean of tears forming in my eyes and streaming down my face. 

"Lilac, miele (honey) you need to calm down okay. Breathe in and out okay. deep breath in and deep breathe out" A man said with a clamming tone. He had a deep voice that just soothed your ears as he spoke. 

I knew I didn't know this man because I didn't recognize his voice. But for some reason I felt this trust within his voice. A protectiveness presence behind every word he spoke. 

I heard a bunch of people stand up so I'm guessing it was Ethan, Sam and the 2 men

"Get your hands off my little sister" Ethan says in a deadly tone

I'm guessing the man ignored him and helped me clam down. After a few minutes of calming down I noticed the man who helped me seemed to look like an older version of someone I knew but I couldn't remember who.

"You people stay away from her! I don't know who you guys really are because your always all whispering and shit but I'm guessing you guys aren't really some long-lost cousins of ours! So, you all need to leave now, we do not need you, Me and Lilac have been fine on our own! So leave and do not go near Lilac again or you will regret it" Ethan spat in a deadly tone. He stood next to me in a protective manner and Sam on the other side of the bed so no one could come near me 

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